RUDN took part in the 23rd annual conference of the International Open Innovation Association FRUCT– IEEE FRUCT 2018

RUDN took part in the 23rd annual conference of the International Open Innovation Association FRUCT– IEEE FRUCT 2018

From 13 till 16 of November, the 23rd annual conference of the International Open Innovation Association FRUCT – IEEE FRUCT 2018 was held at the University of Bologna, bringing together about 150 participants from 30 countries of the world - Italy, Finland, Russia, Great Britain, Denmark, India, Brazil and other countries, including academics and industry representatives (Dell EMC, Nokia, MariaDB, Intel, Jolla, Open Mobile Platform, etc.).

The International Open Innovation Association FRUCT is a major pan-European cooperation network that promotes the development of open innovation in academia and industry, and annually holds scientific events for meetings of academia and business people and the creation of innovative projects.

The conference attracts the most active and talented scientists to present their projects in the field of R&D, create new teams and search for employers and investors. The conference offers world-class scientists and industrial experts to lecture on the most relevant topics. During the program were held meetings of FRUCT working groups and intensive technology trainings, sessions, and thematic seminars.

This year, RUDN University was represented by Anna Ostrovskaya, Director of the Center of Management of Industries at RUDN University Faculty of Economics, who made a presentation on the comparison of various neural network architectures for the segmentation of satellite images following the next stage of the joint project on the development of application solutions in the field of processing and integration in a unique geospace large volumes of heterogeneous operational, retrospective and thematic data of remote sensing of the Earth using digital, intellectual technology and artificial intelligence. 

In a report prepared jointly with scientists of the Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov (V. Khryashchev, L. Ivanovsky, V. Pavlov) were presented the results of a study of three different architectures of convolutional neural networks for detecting objects on satellite images from the DSTL, Landsat-8 and PlanetScope databases. To analyze the accuracy of the algorithms, the results were compared with areas previously marked by experts. Such segmentation of satellite images finds its application in the field of urban planning, for climate modeling, etc.

During the conference, were made suggestions and recommendations for the development of international cooperation. Including following results of negotiations with the chairman of the program committee of the conference, Professor Sergey Balandin, the possibility is being considered of conducting joint research by research teams and joining RUDN University to the number of universities participating in FRUCT Association. 

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