RUDN University delegation visited Pune (India)

RUDN University delegation visited Pune (India)

On the 26 of October RUDN University delegation visited the Simbiosis international university in Pune - the first institute was established in 1971 and was part of the University of Pune.

In 2002, under the autonomy program for institutions, the Ministry of Human Development provided university status to three joint institutions: a joint research institute, a joint institute of business and management, and a law joint college, together they united and created the United International University. Director is Dr. Vidya Eravdekar. Today, the Simbiosis international university in Pune is in 247 the QS WUR among Asian universities and 144th among the BRICS countries. In the course of negotiations with representatives of the University’s international service were outlined ways of interaction and areas of cooperation. Great interest was aroused by training programs of the RUDN University Academy of Engineering, the possibility of exchanging teachers and students of our Universities, as well as the possibility of cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus + program. Following the talks, the parties agreed to sign an agreement on cooperation through electronic correspondence.

On the 27 of October within the framework of the working visit of the RUDN delegation to India at the Symbiosis Vishwabhavan University in Pune, the delegation held a round table with graduates, partners and friends of the University on the theme «Advantages of Russian higher education. Within the framework of the Round Table took place the presentation of RUDN University educational programs and the general achievements of the University over the past 5 years. During the discussion of the Round Table, the special role of the RUDN graduates in establishing relations between countries was noted. Participants agreed that graduates are not only ambassadors of Russian culture, but also the key agents in establishing and developing working contacts between RUDN University and foreign partners both in the field of education and in other sectors of the economy.

On the 29 of October a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between RUDN University and the University of Pune. Vice-Rector of the University of Pune, Dr. Nitin R. Karmalkar noted the importance of starting cooperation with the Russian university and the growing interest among Indian students in the study of the Russian language in connection with the development of foreign economic relations between our countries. 

RUDN University delegation made presentation of the main educational programs af the College of Engineering in Pune. The presentation aroused interest among more than 200 students of the latest engineering courses in engineering. During the presentation, the programs implemented in graduate and postgraduate studies at RUDN University in English were highlighted. At the end of the presentation, an outstanding graduate of the University of 1980, Naveen Saxena, now the president of an international group of pharmaceutical companies in India, told students about the benefits of studying at RUDN University and the high level of training.

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