Russian-Belarusian international scientific seminar «Digital economy: features of enterprise transformation and new forms of financing»

Russian-Belarusian international scientific seminar «Digital economy: features of enterprise transformation and new forms of financing»

On the 24 of October 2018 RUDN University with the support of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus held a scientific seminar «Digital economy: features of the transformation of enterprises and new forms of financing».

The scientific seminar was opened with a welcoming speech from the Belarusian side - Deputy Chairperson of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Kilin Sergey Yakovlevich, and from the Russian side - Professor of RUDN University Department of Applied Economics, Doctor of economics, professor Ovchinnikova Oksana Petrovna and the deputy director for scientific work of the Center of management Ph.D. Kokuitseva Tatyana Vladimirovna.

During the seminar, the participants made their presentations and reports:

  • Pavel Sukhovarov, Deputy General Director for Strategy and Business Development of TERRA TEC JSC, a subsidiary of Russian Space Systems, presented a report on advanced services for the digital economy based on Earth remote sensing data.
  • Dmitry Kornachev, deputy head of the economic development department of the CRI «Electronics» Information-analytical center of the Russian radio-electronic industry, spoke about the growth points for Russian organizations of the radio-electronic industry in the framework of digitalization of the economy and diversification of the military-industrial complex (https://instel.ru/en/).
  • Sergei Kruglikov, Deputy Director United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NASB http://uiip.bas-net.by/), 
  • Sergey Zolotoy, Director of the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise «Geoinformation Systems», 
  • Victor Dravitsa, Director of the Public Research and Development Enterprise «Centre for Identification Systems» (http://ids.by/en/index.php).
  • Sergei Dedkov, Deputy Director statehood scientific institution «Center of System Analysis and Strategic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus», 
  • Elena Presnyakova, Head of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (http://economics.basnet.by/en)

The event was attended by more than 50 people, including young scientists.

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In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
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