The delegation from the People’s Republic of China visited RUDN University

At the oficial meeting participated representatives of the leadership of the philological faculty - Dean, Professor V.V. Barabash and Acting Deputy Dean for International Activities M.A. Talysheva. The delegation was led by the head of the Guangdong International Education Center, Huang Shaoman. The delegation also included professors and representatives of the leadership of Sun Yat-sen University ( and Hualian College.
Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong Sheng) is one of the largest public research universities in China, known worldwide and occupies 295 positions in the QS WUR. During the meeting took place an exchange of views on the cooperation of the philological faculty with Chinese universities, the prospects for the development of exchange programs for students and teachers, and future development of linguistic, scientific and cultural cooperation.
From 19 to 23 November 2024, RUDN hosted the III International Scientific Conference ‘For the Sustainable Development of Civilisation: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology’. The event gathered more than 2000 participants from 72 countries.
530 applications, 90 young scientists from 30 countries. Darya Nazarova, a postgraduate student of RUDN Faculty of Economics, traveled 11,276 km from Moscow to Sao Paulo for the International Scientific School on Technological and Innovation Strategies and Economic Development Policy at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Darya Nazarova, a young RUDN scientist, writes about scientific research, rafting and the country of eternal carnival.
From 19 to 23 November 2024, RUDN hosted the III International Scientific Conference ‘For the Sustainable Development of Civilisation: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology’. The event gathered more than 2000 participants from 72 countries.
530 applications, 90 young scientists from 30 countries. Darya Nazarova, a postgraduate student of RUDN Faculty of Economics, traveled 11,276 km from Moscow to Sao Paulo for the International Scientific School on Technological and Innovation Strategies and Economic Development Policy at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Darya Nazarova, a young RUDN scientist, writes about scientific research, rafting and the country of eternal carnival.