Research and Innovative Activity
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05 Apr 2019
RUDN mathematicians have created a universal package of computer programs for the study and solution of complex nonlinear differential equations and their systems. The development will be useful for hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, mechanics, elementary particle physics, plasma physics and elasticity theory. The article was published in the journal Computer Physics Communications.
05 Apr 2019
For the first time, a team of Russian scientists together with RUDN University synthesized calixarenes capable of “trapping” adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATA) molecules and enclosing them inside their cavity. ATA molecules are a universal source of energy for most biochemical processes. They also act as an intercellular mediator.
05 Apr 2019
A RUDN mathematician developed a solution for a perturbed differential containment - a generalized case of a differential equation. The development will help calculate optimal ways for the movement of a crowd or a flow of cars. It may also be used to manage robotic cars and multi-agent robotic systems. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Differential Equations.
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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05 Apr 2019
Graduate students of the Engineering Academy became winners of the competition of reports at the International Conference "Problems of Technological Combustion." Georgy Tikhonov spoke about a new type of reinforcement profile, which is more economically advantageous in comparison with foreign analogues, and Grigory Grishin presented a project on high-strength nano-concrete. Participation in the conference was included in the student internship program at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
International scientific cooperation
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15 Jan 2020
On January 16-18, 2019 in Dublin, the 9th meeting of the COST IRACON Steering Committee was held, as well as the 9th meeting of the participants of the project working groups, organized within the framework of the Integrated Wireless Networks Generations 5G and Above program.
15 Jan 2020
February 5, RUDN hosted a seminar "Modern Advances in Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Research in the Diagnosis of Liver Diseases", which was attended by practicing hepatologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, and ultrasound diagnostics doctors. Lorenzo Manneli, a professor at Cambridge University (UK) and New York University (USA), shared his experience with colleagues.
The fatty pathology of the liver became the first among liver pathologies - 78% of cases of abnormal liver function are associated with steatosis. Standard ultrasound methods can give an accurate picture only with 25-30% changes in the liver. Leading experts on hepatology from the UK and Russia suggested that ultrasound elastogenesis and steatometry of the liver and MRI be introduced more widely into medical practice.
05 Apr 2019
RUDN Center for Collective Use (CCU) begins joint development in the field of pharmacy and personnel training with Medis. The parties discussed issues of cooperation during the visit of Rimma Abramovich, director of the CCU, to the company's plant in Tunisia.
Scientific Conferences
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15 Jan 2020
Multilingualism and the formation of a no longer bilingual, which was relevant ten years ago, but multilingual personality became the main themes of the XI All-Russian conference with international participation “Current issues of linguistics and humanities”, held on March 15, at RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages. Russian and foreign experts discussed how linguistic practitioners respond to the challenges of modern world language trends.