RUDN University’s new postdock, Abdukodir Khakimov has been hired by the 5G Wireless Network Modeling Center of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications

RUDN University’s new postdock, Abdukodir Khakimov has been hired by the 5G Wireless Network Modeling Center of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications

RUDN University’s new postdock, Abdukodir Khakimov has been hired by the 5G Wireless Network Modeling Center of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications, whose current task is to study fifth-generation network applications. Also, within the framework of the center, joint work will be carried out with telecommunication organizations and institutes of Russia and abroad.

Abdukodir Khakimov graduated from the Faculty of Infocommunication Networks and Systems of St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Bonch-Bruevich, his scientific advisor was PhD in Engineering Muthann Ammar Saleh Ali. Over the past few years, Abdukodir has been directly involved in the scientific research of the Institute, in particular, in the development of the laboratory of the 5G Wireless Network Modeling Center in the framework of cooperation between RUDN University and St. Petersburg State University of Technology, where he established himself as a talented young scientist.

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