The symbiosis of sciences: how mathematical analysis creates tools for medicine

The symbiosis of sciences: how mathematical analysis creates tools for medicine

September 30-October 4 at the RUDN University hosted the International Conference "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine", which brought together experts from Russia, Belgium, the UK, Germany, France. On the agenda are modeling of cardiovascular diseases, mathematical oncology, immunology and infectious diseases.

Mathematical modeling in medicine provides an in-depth analysis of normal and pathological processes in the human body. At RUDN, modern issues of medicine and healthcare were discussed by physicians, biophysicists, mathematicians, and computer modeling specialists. The conference was attended by well-known scientists - mathematicians and physicians: Willy Jager, Gennady Bocharov, Philip Miney, Wolf Wiland, Vitaly Volpert.

The aim of mathematical modeling is to predict the behavior of the system under various external influences. The conference presented the latest research achievements in the field of mathematical modeling in biomedicine, including cardiovascular diseases, immunology and infectious diseases, mathematical oncology. Modeling methods and mathematical analysis of the corresponding models were also discussed.

Scientists also discussed studies of the mechanisms of cancer and infectious diseases. In addition, several sections were devoted to the problems of mathematical modeling in biomedicine: problems of comparison with experimental data, theory of active media, and mathematical analysis of biomedical models.

Many principles of theoretical approaches to solving problems developed in one area can be transferred to others. In particular, the theory of active media, which has long been used in the problems of the spread of excitation in the heart, is now beginning to be applied in solving the problems of blood coagulation, the development of oncology and the development of infection in the body, which gives fundamentally new knowledge about physiology and the possibilities of therapy. Thus, the conference served as a catalyst for the development of new areas in science.

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