Competition of Young Scientists for the Struchkov Prize Summed up the Results

Competition of Young Scientists for the Struchkov Prize Summed up the Results

The competition for the best scientific research in the field of chemistry of organic, bio-organic, inorganic and coordination compounds summed up the results. The winners were selected by a special jury of leading experts in the field of crystal chemistry and X-ray diffraction analysis.

I-Winners • First prize:

  1. Mikhail A. Kinzhalov - Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Saint Petersburg State University,

Institute of chemistry, Department of physical organic chemistry

‘Structure-properties relationship in acyclic diaminocarbene complexes of late transition metals’

  1. Kirill V. Kovalev - master's degree

Moscow Institute Of Physics And Technology,

Laboratory for advanced research of membrane proteins

‘Obtaining high-resolution spatial structures of membrane proteins-optogenetics tools’

II-prize-Winners • honorable mention:

  1. Anna A. Sinel'shchikova – Ph.D. of Chemical Science, Senior Researcher

Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry

‘Supramolecular ensembles based on porphyrin macrocycles’

  1. Ilya Yakushev - candidate of chemical Sciences, research associate

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IONKh RAS)

‘New heterometallic carboxylate complexes of platinum and palladium: structure study using synchrotron radiation and catalytic properties’


The Struchkov Prize is annually awarded to young scientists for the best research work in the fields of chemistry, crystal chemistry, or material science. Since 2000, the prize fund of the competition for young scientists was formed annually from the funds of the Struchkov Prize Association, which unites students and former colleagues of Yuri T. Struchkov, working and living abroad. Since 2013, the award Fund has increased due to voluntary donations from scientists working in Russia.

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