Teaching foreign languages online. What does the future hold?

Teaching foreign languages online. What does the future hold?

On November 6, Antonio Carluccio, an employee of the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methods, participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems and Perspective Directions of Journalism and Humanities” at the Finance Academy in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan).

Antonio Carluccio perform at the plenary session on “Teaching Foreign Languages Online, what does the future holds?” The RUDN lecturer discussed the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, both for students and teachers. Antonio Carluccio paid special attention to the factors that influence the perception and learning of a foreign language online.

According to the RUDN educator, distance learning deprives students of their natural language environment and contact with the linguistic culture of the language being studied. At the same time, it is the only effective and safe way to continue the learning process during a pandemic. Moreover, distance learning makes it possible to include in the educational process all the students who cannot physically attend classes at the university because of certain flight restrictions between countries.

In conclusion, Antonio Carluccio expressed his desire to return to classroom work as soon as possible, because learning a language means immersive language learning environment and personal contact with native speakers, and digital platforms cannot fully convey all the nuances of languages.

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