Young scientists of RUDN Irina Chernykh and Konstantin Gomonov — winners of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation

Young scientists of RUDN Irina Chernykh and Konstantin Gomonov — winners of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation

Candidates of Science Irina Chernykh and Konstantin Gomonov became the winners of the competition for the Presidential Grant for young scientists. The grants are allocated for two years for basic and applied scientific research.

Project “Problems of research and use (including development) of space resources: international legal and comparative legal analysis”

Irina Chernykh — PhD of Legal Sciences (Law Institute).

“The key goal of the project is to carry out a comprehensive legal analysis of problems in the field of research and use of space resources: solar energy, orbital-frequency spectrum and territorial resources of celestial bodies. Interest in these and other types of space resources is growing from year to year, especially in terms of their commercial use. However, the international legal procedures for their use have not yet been established. We will work out issues of ensuring security, procedure for international cooperation between states, as well as determine the possibility of private business participation independently or through public-private partnership in such activities,” says Irina Chernykh.

The results of the study will form the basis for both future international legal regime for the use of space resources, and for the formation of Russia’s position and further amendments to the national space law and policy in terms of research and use of space resources.

Project “Analysis of mechanisms for the formation of a circular economy on the example of EU countries”

Konstantin Gomonov — PhD of Economic Sciences (Faculty of Economics).

“In the work on the project, we will analyze supranational and national mechanisms of state support for the formation of a circular economy. Let us evaluate the effectiveness of these mechanisms, taking into account the rate of improvement of existing technologies and the likelihood of the emergence of new technologies with improved characteristics. This project will be distinguished from other studies in the field of circular economics by an integrated approach to the assessment of such mechanisms,” says Konstantin Gomonov.

The analysis of projects in the field of industrial symbiosis will make it possible to assess the effectiveness of supranational and national mechanisms of state support for the formation of a circular economy without taking into account technical characteristics of production systems of the past. This approach will take into account the co-directed development of basic and related technologies of the sixth technological order. For example, the development of renewable energy technologies and innovative transport technologies. This will create a toolkit that will improve the quality of management decisions made through the possibility of monitoring and public expert control over their effectiveness.

For reference:

Every year the state supports promising projects of 400 young PhDs (under 35 years old) and 60 young Doctors of sciences (up to 40 years old). Grants are allocated for a 2-year period for fundamental and applied research. The annual funding is 600,000 rubles for PhDs and 1 million rubles for Doctors of sciences.

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