RUDN Student Scientific Society Declared the Best New SSS 2021 in Moscow and Moscow Region

RUDN Student Scientific Society Declared the Best New SSS 2021 in Moscow and Moscow Region

Student Scientific Society (SSS) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) won a special Best New SSS of Moscow and Moscow Region award at a contest held by the regional Association of Students and Student Organizations.

RUDN SSS has been uniting science-loving and creative students for over 13 years. Students from over 160 countries unlock their potential, conduct research, hold events and engage others.

“Our university’s SSS is a unique organization of young, talented and active people. We learn, improve, research and propose modern-day solutions to global and local challenges. Thanks to a positive professional and business environment, we develop our talent, but also effectively engage more peers to do science,” explained Ilya Vlasov, Chairman of RUDN SSS Council.

Students from different faculties with different interests conduct research together: law students co-author articles with sociology student, environmental and chemistry students conduct joint research. Aside from research, SSS activists develop projects of public importance. For example, masters from the Foreign Languages Institute have developed a mobile app that helps new students fit in the university life. After successful implementation, the development team became an awardee of an All-Russia Hertzen Forum.

In 2021 alone, RUDN SSS members became individual-event winners of an international math Olympiad, received a Technological Leadership award at St. Petersburg Student Projects Open Contest and made speeches at international forums.

“We understand the importance of engaging youth in science as early as possible, so we have created a complex system of student science support. Popularization of scientific results also plays an important part in attracting young talent and drawing them to the university’s scientific groups,” commented Pyotr Dokukin, Head of the Science Department.

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