All about science: Science Festival at RUDN University 2021

All about science: Science Festival at RUDN University 2021

7 days, more than 2 thousand participants and many discoveries in various fields of science. This year, for the first time Science Festival online marathon was held.

What have you learnt? Let's remember the highlights of the RUDN Science Festival.


Space exploration and energy of the future

Were presented:

  • a space experiment to clarify the law of gravitational interaction between the Sun and physical objects;
  • lecture "5 Questions about Space Law" by Dr. Irina Chernykh, Senior Lecturer of the International Law Department;
  • discussion "Innovative Energy and International Law".

We explored:

  • the space probe will move along different trajectories, based on the theory of Newton or Einstein;
  • if Einstein's law applies, the minimum distance between the probe and Venus will be less than 20 km;
  • even a minimal deviation of the probe from the flight path will lead to a deviation of about 1 million km at the final point of the flight.

We learnt:

  • it is impossible to buy a star or a property on the Moon;
  • states cannot extend sovereignty to outer space;
  • jurisdiction on the International Space Station depends on the module in which the astronaut is located.


Human, Nature, Society, and Technology

Were presented:

  • EPISTEMA laboratory scientific project;
  • lecture "5 questions about AR/VR/XR and the new reality in art" by Senior Lectureres of the Department of Theory and History of Culture of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Valeria Berest and Yulia Kirsanova;
  • discussion "Humanities, and what are they talking about (deconstructing a dinosaur)".

We explored:

  • philosophical and political comparative studies of social space are necessary to preserve the identity of Russia;
  • it is necessary to create effective political strategies for intercivilizational contacts to solve urgent problems in the socio-humanitarian direction.

We learnt:

  • AR/VR/XR are technologies for introducing digital content into physical reality in real time;
  • the term "augmented reality" was first proposed by Thomas Kodel in 1990;
  • nowadays, a work of art can be created by a neural network.


New medicine

Were presented:

  • interactive presentation "Mast cells and collagen fibrillogenesis";
  • lecture "5 questions about digital dentistry" by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the Medical Institute Samvel Apresyan;
  • discussion "The cell as the basis of life and future medical technologies".

We explored:

  • fibrillogenesis is the formation of collagen fibers in connective tissue;
  • histochemical and immunohistochemical method are methods of tissue staining that allow us to investigate the fundamental mechanisms of fibrillogenesis.
  • RUDN scientists have discovered new ways and mechanisms of mast cell involvement;
  • the study of mast cells will allow us to develop new strategies for the treatment of fibrosis, which will be aimed at preventing excessive formation of connective tissue.

We learnt:

  • methods of digital dentistry – 3D printing, milling, laser sintering;
  • digital dentistry – almost any dental manipulation that involves a computer;
  • the method allows you to plan the patient's treatment more competently, excluding unforeseen errors;
  • artificial intelligence is already being used in dental practice today thanks to Russian computer developments.


New production technologies and materials

Were presented:

  • interactive presentation "Accurate diagnostics, the development of multifunctional materials";
  • lecture "5 questions about the "smart" city" by Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction of the Engineering Academy Galina Okolnikova;
  • discussion "Recycling and Waste Valorization".

We explored:

  • a "smart" city is a city with the connection of "intelligent" services to the main city’s infrastructure systems;
  • the largest projects being implemented today are the cities of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city (China and Singapore) and Masdar (UAE);
  • the approach of "embedding smart technologies in existing cities" is the most promising, it is used by all megacities of the world.


Dialogue of cultures

Were presented:

  • interactive presentation "Language as an integration tool in the modern socio-cultural space";
  • lecture "5 questions about the evolution of cities" by PhD in Geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of Regional Economics and Geography of the Faculty of Economics Veronika Kholina, PhD in Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Geography of the Faculty of Economics Tatiana Kreidenko, the best graduate-2020, program "City Economics" the RUDN Faculty of Economics  Oksana Ashirova, Deputy Head at the Office of Strategic Development Programs, RUDN Maria Tislenko;
  • discussion "How to involve students in charity, and why is it necessary?".

We explored:

  • minority language is a language spoken by a minority of the population of a territory;
  • most languages of Russia can be classified as minority languages;
  • the study of linguistic situations will help to build a typology of minority language dynamics, identify cultural dominants in the value systems of different cultures, and predict areas of potential conflict.

We learnt:

  • today, about 4 billion people live in cities;
  • by 2050, about 70% of the total population will live in cities;
  • Global cities — London, Paris, Milan, Zurich, New York, Chicago, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong.


Space exploration and ecology

Were presented:

  • interactive presentation "Mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics of carbon in plant ecosystems of the world";
  • lecture "What we know about landfill gas - 5 questions" by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management Marianna Kharlamova;
  • discussion "First aid as part of HSE management (Workplace Safety, management of Environmental Health and Safety)".

We explored:

  • due to carbon capture by forest ecosystems, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is decreasing
  • the mathematical model will help calculate carbon sequestration using different plant ecosystems and predict the dynamics of carbon accumulation in a particular place
  • carbon sequestration and carbon content in plant biomass in Central African countries will increase until 2060
  • the main factor of carbon loss is deforestation.

We learnt:

  • the consequences of landfill gas release have negative impact on health, greenhouse effect, global climate change;
  • obtaining protein mass (protein supplement to feed, vitamins, amino acids) is the solution to the food insecurity;
  • alternative methods of incineration are separation and gas purification components to obtain commercial products; production of artificial protein "gaprin".


Exact sciences and artificial intelligence

Were presented:

  • interactive presentation "Big data analysis and mathematical modeling of processes in experimental plasma installations and reactor prototypes";
  • lecture "5 questions about 5G wireless networks" Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Probability and Informatics Vyacheslav Begisheva;
  • discussion "Neural networks are becoming a thing of the past, what will happen after?".

We explored:

  • 5G network will provide higher data transfer speeds, network reliability, a larger network coverage area, simultaneous connection of multiple devices, instant access to the mobile Internet;
  • with 5G, the radio access network will change — New Radio;
  • the new network will operate in a different range of radio frequencies —millimeter waves.


Final discussion "Science for students, why is it worth participating?"

Maria Tislenko, Deputy Head at the Office of Strategic Development Programs, Timofey Mazurchuk, Chairman of the Scientific Student Society of the Faculty of Economics, and Artem Vasiliev, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Student Society, told us about student science.

We explored:

  • nowadays, RUDN allocates many grants and scholarships to support student science — you will always find up-to-date information on our official website;
  • it is necessary to build boundaries in the student-supervisor relationship in order to avoid intellectual exploitation;
  • to be published in foreign journals, young scientists need academic writing and the ability to analyze — it is important to read a list of literature to reach a high level in an international database.


It wasn't boring – it was all about science!

The scientific festival which is carried out within the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Science. Annually, RUDN University acts as one of the venues for this event and opens its doors to everyone who wants to get acquainted with the amazing and exciting world of science.

Main Publications View all
15 Nov 2017
RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of June-September 2017 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
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