Science Festival 2021. Faculties, institutes, departments: how was that?

Science Festival 2021. Faculties, institutes, departments: how was that?

On October 8, the RUDN Science Festival started. The activities started in 13 departments of the University and were held in a mixed format: online and offline.

The first day of the Festival was especially large-scale!

 We saw:

  • a fully functional biotechnological plant reproduction laboratory;
  • laboratories of robotic systems and artificial intelligence, architecture, geology, mining and oil and gas business;
  • expositions "The structure of the human body" and "The human Microbiome";
  • welding processes in industry;
  • a technique of applying a simple nodular skin suture;
  • chinese tea ceremony and much more.

We explored:

  • why do ecologists investigate space;
  • about modern methods of working with phytopathogenic microorganisms;
  • why does a linguist need eye-tracking or oculography;
  • how to travel the world as a scientist;
  • about family traditions in Japan;
  • about emotional-figurative psychotherapy.

We touched:

  • the folk art of China;
  • the art of obento;
  • metamodernism and contemporary Russian prose;
  • the culture of modern Britain.

Representatives of faculties and institutes shared their impressions with us.

Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology

What was shown:

  • methods of obtaining aqueous emulsions of squalene showing biological activity;
  • how to apply electric field for separate extraction of biologically active substances from medicinal raw materials;
  • ways of obtaining strontium-based metal-organic framework materials applicable in bionanotechnology;
  • synthesis of biologically active nanoparticles in 20 minutes.

What have we learned?

Institute presented scientific works:

  • "Production and application of cobalt nanoparticles";
  • "Plants as a source of medicines. Modern approaches to the standardization of medicinal plant raw materials";
  • "Evaluation of the effectiveness of methods for the extraction of tannins and flavonoids".

Philological Faculty

“The main thing in the person is not the mind, but what is managed by: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas”. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Were demonstrated

Each department Philological Faculty has traditionally presented its extensive program.

What have we learned?

The Department of General and Russian Linguistics conducted an online excursion to The F.M.Dostoevsky Memorial House-Museum in Staraya Russa. Students virtually "walked" around the house, listened to a story about important stages of the writer's life and work, learned about the life of the writer's family.

Who participated:

65 people took part in the excursion, including students and postgraduates from China, Syria, Vietnam, India, Georgia, Moldova, Iran, Sri Lanka.

What has been prepared:

International students took part:

  • in the quiz "Russia in the names and dates";
  • in the master class "the three words to begin to teach foreigners the Russian language";
  • in the lecture hall "Russian language in Italy: who, why and how to study it?";
  • in a creative meeting with a visiting professor Alexander Mamontov from Pushkin State Russian Language Institute&

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics shared ideas on how to ensure a careful attitude to the natural resources of Russia and their most effective use. And what will make it possible to make of the "oil needle", a stimulating injection for the development of the entire economy.

What has been prepared:

  • Lecture "The modern economy of the extractive industry: the economic efficiency of the development of TRIZ (hard-to-recover reserves) hydrocarbons" (by graduate student of the Department of National Economics at the Faculty of Economics Mazurchuk Timofey)

"Answering the question about the importance and expediency of the development of the Russian oil and gas complex, I emphasize that we must use our resources while it is possible and relevant, nevertheless, I will be glad to hear that other sphere of the national economy bring more revenue to the budget than oil and gas complex, but not by reducing investments in it, but by comprehensive economic development," Timofey Mazurchuk said.


  • Master class "International food trade in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic: what measures are the retail giants taking to attract consumer attention in the conditions of a pandemic?" (by Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations at the Faculty of Economics Veronika Chernova).
  • "Consumer behavior is changing at a very high rate and many enterprises had to change their business strategy in the shortest possible time, although, as a rule, they have been building for years. Naturally, this was caused by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. For myself, within the framework of nine global consumer trends, I have identified "in search of confidence and security" and "life without difficulties" as the most important now. It was interesting to hear about omnichannel: Veronika Yurievna talked about the channels of communication with consumers and their trends at the moment," Stepan Dolgalev, a 3rd year student, Faculty of Economics, shared her impressions.
  • A lecture "Development of student business incubators" (by Department of Management, Faculty of Economics).

What have we learned? 

  • about the university's transition factors to the 3.0 model;
  • possible formats of interaction of the student business incubator with the university departments;
  • about the income sources of the business incubator;
  • where young entrepreneurs can find support for business ideas implementation;
  • how universities can help talented students turn their ideas into innovative products. 

"When we know about such opportunities, students will choose universities where business incubators successfully operate for their education. Creating a sought-after product and earning money while still studying is a unique opportunity for young people. There will be no need to waste time searching for resources, you can spend time on the materialization of your dreams," said Shokhrukh Jabbarov, first-year Master's degree in Management (Uzbekistan).


On October 9 and 10, the RUDN Science Festival held several interactive events at external venues organized by the All-Russian Nauka 0+ Science Festival.

The University was represented by several departments: the Philological Faculty, the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Economics, the Law Institute, The Academy of Engineering, the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Hotel Business and Tourism Institute

"We were glad to attend such an event. There were a lot of guests, everyone came up and asked about Spain, even small children listened to us with interest," said Yulia Serebryakova, a 3rd year student, Linguistics, Philology Faculty.

 The Department of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Philology organized a real cultural and linguistic kaleidoscope in the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

What has been prepared:

  • quests and riddles about the culture and history of Latin America and Spain;
  • omikuji's predictions;
  • an exposition with a flag and handicrafts of Latin America and Spain;
  • a quiz that allows you to hear the language and understand how your body reacts to a new sound;
  • master class "How to write in hieroglyphs".

"Many thanks to those who spared no time and effort and spent this Saturday day with us! It is all about science! 8 hours of active activity and a lot of guests," said Tatiana Evsikova, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Philology.

On October 10, the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy presented a modern techniques of art therapy in work with both children and adults.

What was done: sand therapy, modeling and drawing.

"This event left a lot of positive emotions. It was nice to watch the smiles of little kids who independently made little keepsake gifts to their loved ones!", said Elena Bjoyan and Alina Bobrysheva and Alexandra Lukasevich, second year Master and first-year of the Master in Psychology.


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