The Day of Russian Science in RUDN

The Day of Russian Science in RUDN

Being a scientist means creating a better future for the country and the world! RUDN scientists set ambitious goals for themselves, conduct advanced scientific research, make discoveries and bring Russian technologies to foreign markets. They have at their disposal more than 200 laboratories with modern high—tech equipment. Every year, RUDN holds more than 150 international scientific events, and university scientists patent about 100 new developments. Advances in research — from new cancer treatments to “cleaning up” space debris — are designed to improve human life.

According to the statistics of the scientific database Scopus in the RUDN for 2021:

  • The number of publications has grown from 2131 to 2293.
  • The number of articles in international collaboration has increased from 776 to 856.
  • The publication of articles in highly rated journals with the first and second quartile increased from 886 to 1115.

TOP 5 RUDN scientists by citation in Scopus

  • Zhanna Kobalava, MD, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, Medical Institute;
  • Rafael Luque, Associate Professor, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center “Molecular Design and Synthesis of Innovative Compounds for Medicine” of the Joint Institute of Chemical Research;
  • Viktor Khrustalev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the RUDN, Director of the Joint Institute of Chemical Research of the RUDN;
  • Yakov Kuzyakov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Center “Smart Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development in the Context of Global Changes” of the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN;
  • Eric Van der Eyken, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center “Organic Synthesis under microwave activation”.

TOP RUDN scientists by the number of publications in Scopus

  • Viktor Khrustalev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Faculty of Science;
  • Konstantin Samuilov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Computer Science and Probability Theory, Faculty of Science;
  • Rafael Luque, PhD, Director of the Scientific Center “Molecular Design and Synthesis of Innovative Compounds for Medicine” of the Joint Institute of Chemical Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Fedor Zubkov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science.

TOP scientific fields by the number of articles in Scopus

  • Natural Sciences
  • Medicine (Medical Sciences)
  • Technologies and Engineering (Engineering and Technologies)
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Agricultural Sciences

TOP 5 directions for publications in Q1/Q2 journals

  • Chemical Sciences (Chemical Science)
  • Biological Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Computer Science

8 scientific journals of the RUDN advanced to higher positions in 2021


RUDN trains highly qualified personnel. Every year, the share of postgraduate who have defended their dissertations is growing. Let’s note the most popular areas of training in the graduate school of RUDN:

  • Clinical medicine
  • Economy
  • Law
  • Historical sciences and archaeology
  • Political sciences and regional studies
  • Science and Business

In 2021, the university implemented 14 research projects jointly with foreign partners from: Brazil, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Vietnam, China, Taiwan.

Last year, for the first time, the result of intellectual activity, protected in the mode of trade secrets, was successfully commercialized. This is a project of scientists from the Institute of Environmental Engineering, which was sold to an industrial partner in order to introduce it into production activities.

Since 2021, the university has been implementing a new system of grant support for research projects. About 170 million rubles were allocated, 49 applications of research teams of the RUDN were supported.

The University has won and is implementing Mega grants:

  • project “Personalized strategy of cancer treatment using neutron radiation based on three-dimensional cell models of the tumor” (Medical Institute, head Andrey Kaprin)
  • project “Purushottama Center for the Study of Philosophy and Culture of India” (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Head Ruzana Pskhu)
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Michele Pagano is a graduate of the University of Pisa, a leading scientist, the author of more than 200 publications in international journals, and a participant in many international research projects
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The conference on international arbitration, where law students from European universities simulate court proceedings and alternately defend the interests of the respondent and the orator.
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