Representatives of more than 600 Chinese companies learn about RUDN

Representatives of more than 600 Chinese companies learn about RUDN

Pyotr Dokukin, Head of the Science Department, gave a RUDN online presentation at the First International Conference on the Development of Export Services. He announced the establishment of a joint scientific laboratory of the RUDN and Shenzhen Two Supreme Technology Co., Ltd.: "Research Laboratory of Safety Quality and Technologies of Specialized Products and Production". The priority task of the laboratory is to investigate the negative impact of electronic cigarettes on human health and the environment. The unit will be opened based on the RUDN Institute of Ecology.

About 1,000 people took part in the conference in person, including: employees of embassies and consulates of more than ten countries and regions of the world, heads of foreign industry associations, economists, experts, business representatives and the media. Almost 1 million people participated online. Conference participants discussed the development and promotion of e-services, the expansion of international relations and export policy.

The RUDN presentation took place on the eve of the visit of the university delegation to China to negotiate joint projects with the Shenzhen business community.

"The development of contacts with leading Chinese business partners is certainly in line with the course of internationalisation and commercialisation of science at our university. In the current situation of geopolitical tension, which unfortunately pervades the sphere of science and technology, exchange of experience and joint research with partners from the Asia-Pacific region are especially in demand," commented Peter Dokukin.

For reference

I International conference on the development of export services was held on 15 June 2022 in Shenzhen (People's Republic of China). The organizers were the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce and Shenzhen Investment Promotion Agency.

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