RUDN University students won prizes at the International Mathematics Competition for University Students

RUDN University students won prizes at the International Mathematics Competition for University Students

Second- and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences majoring in Mathematics Serafim Vinogrodsky and Alexander Kirilenko took third place in the individual competition at the International Mathematics Olympiad among students.

In August, students from all over the world solved the most difficult non-standard problems in English in algebra, analysis (real and complex), geometry and combinatorics. Students were prepared for the Olympiad by professors of the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathematical Institute Mark Malamud and Leonid Rossovsky, as well as young coaches - Nikolai Zhuravlev and Ksenia Darovskaya. The team leader is Professor of the Mathematical Institute Daria Apushkinskaya.

Olympiad results:

  • 3rd place - Seraphim Vinogrodsky, 2nd year student, direction “Mathematics”, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  • 3rd place - Alexander Kirilenko, IV course, direction "Mathematics", Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  • Honorable mention - Alexander Korotkov, IV course, direction "Mathematics", Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  • Honorable mention - Takhir Khairullin, 1st year master's student, direction "Mathematics", Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  • Honorable mention - Anna Novikova, 1st year master's student, direction "Mathematics", Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

“The Olympics were difficult, but that’s how it should be. I was surprised that I can at least decide something, because at the time of participation I was still a freshman. Some tasks were especially difficult: probability theory, combinatorics, group and field theory - I was not yet familiar with these topics to a sufficient extent.

At RUDN University, I chose the direction "Mathematics", because I wanted to get a more fundamental education. I will definitely participate in the olympiads. The option of further development in the scientific community is for me one of the main possible ones,” shared student Seraphim Vinogrodsky.

For reference

The International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC) is an annual mathematics competition open to all mathematics students.

The Olympiad is designed for students completing 1-4 courses of the university, the maximum age of participants is 23 years old at the time of the competition. Since 2010, the Olympiad has been held at the American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad. The organizer of the Olympiad is University College London.

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