The Grand Prix and gold of the Hi-Tech exhibition go to RUDN dentists

The Grand Prix and gold of the Hi-Tech exhibition go to RUDN dentists

April 18-20, the international exhibition of HI-TECH innovations took place in St. Petersburg. Two RUDN University projects received a gold medal and the only Grand Prix at the exhibition.

Hi-Tech featured 250 exhibitors from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The work of RUDN dentists “Technology of 3D modeling of facial prostheses” was recognized as the best project. Their second project received a gold medal in the competition “The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year”, which considered 87 applications from scientists and developers from 35 organizations.

RUDN University was represented by:

  • Samvel Apresyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Digital Dentistry, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation;
  • Petr Dokukin, Head of the Research Department.

The Grand Prix of the Hi-Tech exhibition was awarded to RUDN University project “Technology of 3D modeling of facial prostheses”


Facial defects are formed as a result of injuries, mechanical damage, after removal of tumors, and also due to specific chronic diseases. These defects cause dysfunction of the dentoalveolar system and contribute to the emergence of neurosis, making a person unsociable. Traditional prosthetics involve long and painful prostheses making associated with contact with the damaged part of the face.


The technology of RUDN dentists includes:

  • contactless face and teeth cast modelling by optical scanning;
  • carrying out computed tomography of the patient’s head with a facial defect;
  • putting together the received digital data in a specially developed computer program for 3D modeling of objects into a single 3D model of the head. The functionality of the program allows you to simulate the missing parts of the face (nose, zygomatic bone, orbital complex, upper lip, ear) by adapting the virtual prototypes available in the program to the boundaries of the defect. Next, the 3D image of the prosthesis is uploaded in a special format for subsequent 3D printing.

The gold medal of the exhibition in the competition “The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year” was awarded to RUDN University project “Structural material for the manufacture of facial prostheses by 3D printing”


To treat patients with loss or deformation of bone and soft tissues of the face, doctors resort to maxillofacial prosthetics making special prostheses that replace facial defects with partial or complete restoration of lost functions. Prostheses must meet high aesthetic requirements, depending on the extent of the defect, the age of the patient and the period of wearing. They can be either permanent or temporary. The manufacture of such a prosthesis is a very long process, and the patient is forced to be isolated from social life.


The technology of RUDN dentists makes it possible to manufacture temporary prostheses using a high-precision digital model of the future prosthesis design. Prostheses take into account the individual characteristics and wishes of the patient. Printing is done on a 3D printer from special material. The technology reduces the time of modeling and manufacturing of the prosthesis to 1-2 hours. Dentures can be made from a variety of materials, including methyl methacrylate, silicone, polyvinyl, and others. At the same time, RUDN University scientists continue to search for a perfect material that would meet all the requirements of an ideal prosthesis and would make it possible to immediately manufacture a permanent prosthesis.

The developments were evaluated by a jury of 10 federal experts in the scientific and technical field of the Scientific Research Institute — Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services. Sergei Faleev, director of the St. Petersburg branch of the Centre, became the chairman.

Examples of topics of other award-winning projects:

  • Wear-resistant plasma coatings (Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation Pilot School);
  • Technology for obtaining submicron activated alpha-alumina (Belgorod State National Research University);
  • 5D printer with 5Dtech printing technology (Stereotech LLC);
  • Innovative wall material of a new generation based on rapidly renewable vegetable raw materials (Polotsk State University named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk);
  • Technologies and equipment for superfine magnetic-abrasive polishing (Belarusian National Technical University, Republican Innovative Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Technological Park of BNTU “Polytechnic”, Scientific and Engineering Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise “Polymag”).

For reference:

The HI-TECH exhibition is the first event in Russia in the field of high technologies, innovations and investment projects in the scientific and technical field, held since 1996. It is held together with the St. Petersburg Technical Fair at the intersection of professional interaction between industry specialists.

For the first time this year, such organizations as BIOMAP, Stereotech, Consul Computers, RUDN, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, took part.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus submitted 29 developments to the competition.

Organizing Committee:

  • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, Scientific Research Institute — Republican Research Scientific and Consulting Center for Expertise;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation;
  • International Academy of Information Sciences, Information Processes and Technologies.


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