Issue № 2 / 2023 Newsletter archive
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Research and Innovative Activity View all
07 Jul 2023
RUDN University biologist with colleagues from Brazil and Iran found how to alleviate the stress of fish during transportation. It turned out that this can be achieved with salted water.
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
07 Jul 2023
At the XVIII International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Ot Vinta" (Off we go) the team of the RUDN Institute of Medicine presented the project " International Research Team: Learning to Work Together (International Medical Science Incubator)". Faculty of Economics participated with the project " Russia on the African grain market: addressing the problem of food security". The students presented their research.
07 Jul 2023
Salazar Flores Cristian Alexander (Ecuador), postgraduate student of the Institute of Ecology and Diakite Simbo (Mali), postgraduate student of the Agrarian Technological Institute became winners and received I degree diplomas with commemorative medals at the 18th International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Ot Vinta". The young scientists talked about their research.
International scientific cooperation View all
07 Jul 2023
The city of Arpino (Italy) hosted an international workshop on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine. Reports were presented by 59 leading experts from 7 countries. Professor Volpert, Director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center for Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine, spoke on behalf of RUDN.
07 Jul 2023
Scientists from Institute of Digital Dentistry of the RUDN Institute of Medicine. presented their engineering design at the International Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies
Scientific Conferences View all
07 Jul 2023
RUDN University dentists Samvel Apresyan and Alexander Stepanov received the 20th Anniversary Prize of the Moscow Government in the field of medicine. 98 applications, 12 finalists and only 6 of the best - among them are RUDN University doctors.
07 Jul 2023
In April, students, graduate students and young scientists from 30 countries participated in 48 sections of the Lomonosov International Scientific Conference: from journalism and sociology to geology and space research. RUDN University undergraduates and postgraduates presented their work in five areas.
07 Jul 2023
April 18-20, the international exhibition of HI-TECH innovations took place in St. Petersburg. Two RUDN University projects received a gold medal and the only Grand Prix at the exhibition.
07 Jul 2023
Leading Russian and foreign plastic surgeons, gynecologists, dermatologists and cosmetologists met at the RUDN. More than 500 medical students, postgraduates and residents of the University got acquainted with the scientists' experience and discussed topical issues of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.