Around agriculture in 4 days: RUDN University agronomists participated in the “Cultivating the Future” accelerator

Around agriculture in 4 days: RUDN University agronomists participated in the “Cultivating the Future” accelerator

From July 10 to 13, RUDN University hosted the “Growing the Future” accelerator. More than 100 participants listened to a series of lectures, visited rural fields, and studied innovative solutions in agriculture.

The lecture series included sustainable farming practices, the use of technology in the industry, and market trends. Accelerator participants went to the fields of the village of Barybino to talk with farmers about the problems and opportunities of agriculture. On an excursion to the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, agronomists got acquainted with plant species that are kept in urban conditions using modern methods.

“I didn’t think that I would see how cereals grow and how they work with GIS technologies right in the field! It turned out that agriculture is now a technologically advanced and modern area. At the lectures they talked about biotechnology, biological products and even GMOs,” Sofya Snychkova, applicant.

The accelerator concluded with the final presentations of the participants, who showed innovative solutions for agricultural problems. Experts who assessed the results:

  • Alexey Lukov — graduate of the agricultural faculty of RUDN University (now the Agricultural Technological Institute), top manager of UPL;
  • Valentin Vvedensky — head of the Agronomy department;
  • Valery Burlutsky is a senior lecturer at the Agrobiotechnological Department.

“Here everyone becomes colleagues, which allows us to open up greater horizons in our professional activities in the future. I, as a representative of the international organization UPL, a leading manufacturer of plant protection products, am pleased to see the high potential of future young specialists,” Alexey Lukov.

“We worked with applicants, graduate students and specialists in the field of agriculture. This synergy allows ‘diverse’ groups to come to unique ideas, and also motivates them for further scientific and professional activities,” Valeria Gresis, organizer.

“The trip to the field showed useful practice — we learned to distinguish the varietal characteristics of new breeding lines, became familiar with spectral diagnostic technologies, and biotechnological techniques. It was impressive that strangers united in a common cause. It was very interesting to see how everyone designed their final projects,” — Anastasia Kryuchkova, 2nd year, Agricultural Technological Institute, “Agronomy”.

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