New areas of scientific cooperation: RUDN held a meeting with representatives of the Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL

New areas of scientific cooperation: RUDN held a meeting with representatives of the Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL

Representatives of RUDN met with the heads of business areas of the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom to identify promising areas of cooperation.

TVEL is one of the world’s largest producers of nuclear fuel and the only supplier for all Russian nuclear power plants, ship and research reactors in Russia.

The fuel company is developing non-nuclear business areas: special chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage, digital and additive technologies, decommissioning of nuclear energy facilities.

These promising scientific directions in the field of “peaceful atom” are also being successfully developed at RUDN University. Scientists from the Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Innovative Engineering Technologies, the Institute of Ecology and the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the RUDN University presented their research on the following topics:

  • hydrogen production;
  • development of technology for converting carbon dioxide into dimethyl carbonate;
  • reverse engineering of machine-building metal parts;
  • application of composite wear-resistant coatings;
  • development of a line of drones using computer vision and AI;
  • development of technologies to increase the efficiency of oil production from unconventional reservoirs;
  • zeolite catalysts;
  • selective catalytic reduction;
  • mixed oxides of zirconium, cerium and lanthanum;
  • ion exchange materials.

“Today’s meeting became a platform for dialogue and gave us the opportunity to get to know each other better in terms of existing goals, objectives, tools for achieving them, as well as ambitions. We presented projects in both technical and humanitarian fields. The meeting was productive: based on its results, deeper interaction at the expert level is planned to include activities in programs to increase the competitiveness of RUDN graduates,” — Timur Shiyapov, head of the RUDN Technology Transfer Center.

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