RUDN University doctors became bronze medalists at the World Science Championships

RUDN University doctors became bronze medalists at the World Science Championships

Physicists and mathematicians, biologists and chemists, economists and lawyers, philologists and political scientists, specialists in technical and pedagogical sciences — the 1st World Science Championship among scientists and teachers took place in Dubai.

More than 1,200 participants from 69 countries, 38 branches of science — the participants’ work was evaluated by 30 Nobel laureates. Evaluation criteria: scientific significance and novelty, reliability of the results obtained.

The RUDN University represented the scientific team of the Department of Hospital Therapy with courses in endocrinology, hematology and clinical laboratory diagnostics — Natalya Danilina, Shirinjemal Gulova and Alexey Pavlov. Graduate students presented a competitive work in the category “Internal Diseases” — “Systemic Diagnostics in Risk Prediction and Course of Disease Control”. Head — Irina Kournikova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

RUDN University scientists have proposed a way to determine the biological component of rehabilitation potential — the adaptive compliance index (ACI). The idea is to move from absolute to relative indicators — they characterize the deviation of the obtained actual values. The patient could have these indicators if his body was in ideal condition for his age and gender. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of the assessment using a large amount of factual material — more than 500 examined patients. They obtained data on a model of a comorbid disease—diabetes mellitus. Using computer modeling, we identified an indicator that had long been sought for a specific comorbid nosology. MFI is the only criterion that is directly related to diabetes compensation and can characterize the effectiveness of rehabilitation. This is important for assessing the current condition, risks of progression and predicting the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of patients with comorbid diseases.

“The World Science Championship is a new format of scientific communication, very interesting and acceptable, especially for the new generation of scientists. We shared information about scientific research of RUDN University and learned the opinions of other scientists. But we also received an assessment from professionals in the development of scientific directions in a little-studied area or at the intersection of sciences — using fundamentally new approaches to assessing the state of the body, including information and computer technologies. It’s nice to be a prize-winner when the jury includes 30 Nobel laureates,” Irina Kournikova.

“Science helps us find answers to the mysteries of the Universe. In other words, it is one of the most important sources of knowledge. Russia is a country of opportunities, and our university has created all the conditions for doing science,” Shirinjemal Gulova.

“It seems to me that strong opponents were the key to our success. Competition motivated us to do better. We strive to expand the boundaries of knowledge and overcome scientific challenges in order to make the world a better place together,” Natalya Danilina.

“Science is a powerful engine of social progress. And our tasks as young scientists are hard work and faith in what you are doing. I appreciate my colleagues for their responsiveness, passion for research work and enthusiasm,” Alexey Pavlov.

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Michele Pagano is a graduate of the University of Pisa, a leading scientist, the author of more than 200 publications in international journals, and a participant in many international research projects
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RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of June-September 2017 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
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