25 young RUDN scientists from 13 countries won the “Project Start” contest

25 young RUDN scientists from 13 countries won the “Project Start” contest

RUDN awarded the winners of the university competition of research papers on the theme of host countries. It was held under the auspices of the Second Conference on Sustainable Development Goals “Africa's Path to 17 SDGs: an Integrated Approach”.

“The world of science and knowledge is constantly changing. Each new idea opens up new opportunities for understanding the world around us. My supervisor and I are planning to build a pilot plant for wastewater treatment”, — Ksenia Seromlyanova, the winner of the competition, a first-year Master's student, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, an employee of the Common Use Centre "Physical and Chemical Research of New Materials, Substances and Catalytic Systems" at RUDN.

Each paper is an integrated research project on the theme of the Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Integration of African students into the Russian educational space.
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma in Europe and Africa.
  • Ways of developing online education in Nigeria.
  • The potential of solar energy in Nigeria.
  • Comparative level of emergency medical care in African countries.
  • Suicidal tendencies of adolescents in Russia and Morocco.
  • Motivation to study in Russia by students from the Republic of Guinea.
  • Anxiety disorders and depression among young people in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
  • The relationship between gender inequality and terrorism.
  • A specific new generation sorbent and how it works in wastewater treatment in South Africa.
  • Monitoring the quality of green spaces in the city of Nairobi using remote sensing.

“I am inspired by new knowledge. In the process of teaching and conducting research, we are constantly expanding our horizons and improving our skills. Ekaterina Markova, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry at RUDN, plays an important role in my scientific activity. She motivates me to go forward and not to stop at what has been achieved. Step by step we move forward in the realisation of our project. In the future we plan to build a pilot plant for wastewater treatment. I am sure that it will make a significant contribution to environmental protection and provide access to clean water in the region,” —  Ksenia Seromlyanova.

Winners' geography: Albania, Cameroon, Congo, Congo, Ecuador, Guinea, Haiti, Libya, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

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