Hydrological engineer and scientific agro- and zoometeorologist - the military and scientific path of Alexander Kontorschikov

Hydrological engineer and scientific agro- and zoometeorologist - the military and scientific path of Alexander Kontorschikov

On the eve of Victory Day, we share the stories of front-line soldiers who, after the Great Patriotic War, participated in the creation of the Peoples' Friendship University and educated a new generation of students.

On the eve of Victory Day, we share the stories of front-line soldiers who, after the Great Patriotic War, participated in the creation of the Peoples’ Friendship University and educated a new generation of students.

Alexander Sergeevich Kontorschikov — Candidate of Geographical Sciences, senior researcher. Born in 1920. In 1942, he graduated from the Higher Military Hydrometeorological Institute of the Red Army with a degree in hydrological engineer, having already been called up for active service. Participated in the Great Patriotic War from 1942 to May 1945. From February 1943 to June 1944 he was part of the hydrometeorological service on the Kalinin, North-Western and 2nd Baltic fronts.


  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree
  • Medal “For Military Merit”
  • Medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”
  • Medal “In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow”

At the Peoples’ Friendship University, Alexander Sergeevich worked from 1964 to 1993 as an assistant professor at the Department of Soil Science of the Faculty of Agriculture. Alexander Sergeevich is the author of more than 100 scientific papers on agro- and zoometeorology.

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