Targeted flowmeter

The utility model pertains to measuring the volume of liquids by passing them through the measuring devices by a continuous flow, and pertains to a device for measuring the flow of liquid. The target flowmeter contains a target in the form of an axisymmetric cone-shaped body oriented by the base of the cone against the liquid flow, a rod, an elastic thin-walled tube and strain gauges, while an elastic thin-walled tube is placed in a power cap, the tube base is attached to the pipeline wall with the aid of a bellows moving along the hood, and the space between the tube and the hood is filled with an auxiliary liquid. The proposed solution makes it possible to increase the sensitivity of the target flowmeter when measuring the flow of viscous liquid in high-pressure pipelines.


Engineering Sciences Architecture and Construction

№165796 Registered 14 Oct 2016

  • Priority01 Jul 2016
  • Class of ICPIG01
  • Application number2016126484
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 31

Compressor of square black and white images based on the fractal method

The program can be availed by users of the GNU/Linux operating system with the command line. The compressor program provides conversion of the input image to a file, the size of which should be (but it’s not guaranteed) less than the original.


Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2015614508 Registered 20 Apr 2015

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2014661066
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 2

Simulation model of video data buffering in a P2P streaming network, taking into account the delay of the data transfer from the server for the Primary First strategy

The program provides a calculation of the collisions probability at given video data rates for different types of users, and also takes into account the geographical distance of users from the server and the speed of their Internet connection.

I.Vasil'ev Yu.V.Gaydamaka

Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2015612299 Registered 17 Feb 2015

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2014661082
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 2

Device for the production of ceramic products by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis

The invention pertains to devices for manufacturing large-sized composite products from composite materials or ceramics.

V.A.Rogov A.V.Rogova Т.V.Nikiforova

Engineering Sciences Architecture and Construction

№2578237 Registered 25 Feb 2016

  • Priority04 Dec 2014
  • Class of ICPIE04
  • Application number2014148874
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 9

Job requirements generator for the recruitment system

The program is designed to display a virtual cycling route on the computer screen and simulates the movement of a cyclist user on it. The basis of the video series are images, stylized for Egypt and its attractions. The program is used as part of the hardware-software complex of the virtualized exercise bike. The movement along the virtual route is synchronized using the SVBike-Manager program. Scope of the program: sports clubs, individual use at home for physical education and sports.

G.M.Novikova L.M.Guitarska

Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2015611822 Registered 06 Feb 2015

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2014661071
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 1

Modelling tool for solving forecasting problems in the banking sector

The program is designed for conducting laboratory works for "Modelling of processes and systems", "Process approach to control" "Designing of corporate systems" courses. The program can be used to build forecasts in credit organizations. The forecast is formed based on cause-effect relations of the subject area, based on the values of the indicators describing the current situation in the bank. The main task is to build a forecast model for the development of the situation in the bank. The program implements the following functions: work in the adaptation mode (initial subject area tailoring): adding information to the knowledge base (new situations, factors, links, characteristics, basic thresholds, etc.), as well as information correction; work in the mode of setting the system for the task to be solved, determining the active information on the basis of which the system should make a prediction of the situation; work in the execution mode, which includes options: finding a solution - building a model for forecasting the the situation in the bank, based on the current values of its indicators, and offering several ways to improve the bank's condition, exporting the solution to PDF format, calling a reference that contains a list of terms of use system and explains the terminology of the information space, viewing information and reference data about the program.

D.S.Novikova A.A.Zakharova G.M.Novikova

Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2014663240 Registered 23 Dec 2014

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2014661084
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 4

Reinforced gypsum polystyrene concrete mix

The invention pertains to building materials and can be used for the production of gypsum-polystyrene concrete products used in bearing and enclosing structures of buildings. The composition allows to shorten the time of setting the gypsum-polystyrene mixture, its hardening and strength of products characterized by low density and thermal conductivity, as well as high water resistance and frost resistance in combination with strength properties for products with a density of 100-500 kg / m3.

A.P.Svintsov Masri Gazi Khaled Sarib L.G.Kalashnikova N.A.Egorova

Engineering Sciences Architecture and Construction

№2577348 Registered 15 Feb 2016

  • Priority04 Dec 2014
  • Class of ICPIC04
  • Application number2014148875
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 8

Generator of the time series CD3

The program provides verification of the integrity of data describing the analytical space of a multidimensional information system.

E.A.Kuznetsov M.B.Fomin

Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2014663239 Registered 23 Dec 2014

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI 000
  • Application number2014661083
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 4

Method for the erection of monolithic reinforced concrete skeletons

The invention pertains to the field of construction, more specifically to the processes of erecting vertical structures made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The method includes the arrangement of working joints of the column and walls, the installation of spatial reinforcing cages, the formwork, concreting and decoupling. When installing the reinforcing cage of the column, clamps are mounted on its clamps, on the feet of which the tightly fitting anti-adhesion cords to the concrete are put on, and after the tie-up of the concreted column the legs of the staples are bent to the design position, released from the anti-adhesive tubes and connected to the reinforcement cages of the walls. In this case, the staples are not less than the distance between the outer sides of the opposite clamps and not more than the cross-sectional dimension of the column to which the wall to be joined. The staples are made rectangular, and the staple feet are made with a length of at least twenty rod diameters.

A.P.Svintsov V.V.Meshkov S.A.Kalimanov

Engineering Sciences Architecture and Construction

№2541996 Registered 19 Jan 2015

  • Priority03 Oct 2013
  • Class of ICPIE04
  • Application number2013144403
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 5

Calculation of probabilistic characteristics of the server model as a polling system with threshold with gateway and comprehensive maintenance

The program is designed to calculate the probabilistic characteristics of a network based on the SIP protocol.

E.R.Zaripova G.O.Bolotova

Mathematics and Telecommunications Computer Modelling

№2014661073 Registered 18 Dec 2014

  • Priority30 Oct 2014
  • Class of ICPI 000
  • Application number201466107
  • PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 4