Method for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolia in Patients with Cervical Cancer
The invention relates to medicine, namely to oncology, and can be used to prevent venous thromboembolia in patients with cervical cancer. For this purpose, a patient receives low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) in prophylactic doses considering the risk factors. The LMWH dose is prescribed from the first day of hospitalization considering the drug recalculation factor depending on the stage of disease and tumor histological subtype: at stage I of cervical cancer with unchanged coagulogram, a prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient equal to 1 is prescribed, and in the presence of high thrombosis in this group of patients, a prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient of 1.25 is prescribed; for patients with stage II squamous cell cervical cancer, a prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient of 1.25 is prescribed, and for stages III and IV, prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient of 1.5 is prescribed; for patients with stage II cervical adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous cervical carcinoma, a prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient of 1.5; for patients with stages III and IV cervical adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous cervical carcinoma, a prophylactic LMWH dose with a coefficient of 1.75 is prescribed. The invention allows to prevent development of complications, extend and improve the quality of life of patients undergoing surgery for cervical cancer.
Stuklov Nikolai Sushinskaya Tatyana
№2641058 Registered 15 Jan 2018
- Priority17 Nov 2016
- Class of ICPIA61
- Application number2016145099
- PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 2
Program for modelling and calculating the stationary probabilities of states of the cold backup duplicated system
The program is designed to support research and development as an auxiliary applied software tool for numerical and graphical analysis of the stationary distribution sensitivity of the duplicated technical systems states probabilities to the form of the distribution functions of fail-safe time and repair of their elements.
№2016619828 Registered 31 Aug 2016
- Priority01 Jul 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016617069
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 9
Calculation of guided wave modes for planar multilayer thin-film waveguides
The program is used to calculate the guided wave modes of planar multilayer optical waveguides. The program is written in Python 3 using the interactive I-python Notebook shell and contains auxiliary functions for calculations.
A.L. Sevastyanov A.V.Korolkova D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan
№2016618251 Registered 25 Jul 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI 000
- Application number2016615563
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Distributed decryption of the algorithms AES, DES, 3DES and RC6
The program is designed for distributed decryption of information, encrypted with AES, DES, 3DES, RC6 algorithms.
D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan Eli Torres Rondon Juan Carlos Gonzalez Antequero
№2016618123 Registered 21 Jul 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016615565
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Calculation of radiative subsonic modes for planar multilayer thin-film waveguides
The program is used to calculate subsonic modes of planar multilayer optical waveguides. The program is written in Python 3 using the interactive I-python Notebook shell and contains auxiliary functions for calculations.
A.L. Sevastyanov A.V.Korolkova D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan
№2016618252 Registered 25 Jul 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number 2016615554
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Calculation of radiating cover modes for planar multilayer thin-film waveguides
The program is used to calculate the cover modes of planar multilayer optical waveguides. The program is written in Python 3 using the interactive I-python Notebook shell and contains auxiliary functions for calculations.
A.L. Sevastyanov A.V.Korolkova D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan
№2016618122 Registered 21 Jun 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016615564
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Simulation and numerical modelling of the GRED active traffic control module taking into account the self-consistent stochastic effect
The program is designed for numerical and simulation modelling of the parameters of the active control modules for the GRED type traffic.
A.V.Korolkova D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan H.R.Machuka
№2016618425 Registered 28 Jul 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016615599
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Calculation of the dispersion dependences for planar multilayer thin-film waveguides
The program is used to calculate the dispersion dependences for planar multilayer waveguides. The program is written in Python 3 using the interactive I-python Notebook shell and contains auxiliary functions for calculations.
A.L. Sevastyanov A.V.Korolkova D.S.Kulyabov M.N.Gevorkyan
№2016618429 Registered 28 Jun 2016
- Priority31 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016615600
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8
Calculation of the characteristics of the service interruption of the wireless network with the radio frequencies for individual and joint use (with the contraction at the resources release)
The program is used as a tool for identification of the blocking and interruption probability for a model of a wireless network with radio frequencies for individual and joint use (with the contraction at the resources release).
I.A.Gudkova E.V.Markova D.S.Poluektov
№2016618827 Registered 08 Aug 2016
- Priority17 Jun 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016616333
- PublicationRospatent Bul. No. 9
Realization of the method of single-step processes stochastization
The program is designed to calculate the parameters of the following equations: Langevin, Fokker-Planck, the basic kinetic equation.
D.S.Kulyabov Ye.G.Eferina
№2016617590 Registered 07 Jul 2016
- Priority11 May 2016
- Class of ICPI000
- Application number2016614785
- PublicationRospatent Bul. № 8