The Factual Database on Animal Diseases in the Russian Federation Since 2001

The database is intended for use in the educational and scientific activities of the Agro-Industrial Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia for independent work of students and teachers, as well as for studies in the academic programmes of extended and postgraduate education. The database contains data on 351 emergency situations related to the destruction of agricultural products by hazardous natural phenomena and can be used both for manual (blank) use and for use as an element of an automated system.

I.V.Reznik A.V.Radetsky V.P.Avdotin V.G.Plyushchikov

Agriculture and Forestry Veterinary and veterinary and sanitary examination

№2018620578 Registered 17 Apr 2018

  • Priority28 Dec 2017
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2017621588
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 4

Factual Database on the Destruction of Agricultural Products by Hazardous Natural Phenomena on the Territory of the Russian Federation Since 2001

The database is intended for use in the educational and scientific activities of the Agro-Industrial Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia for independent work of students and teachers, as well as for studies in the academic programmes of extended and postgraduate education. The database contains data on 351 emergency situations related to the destruction of agricultural products by hazardous natural phenomena and can be used both for manual (blank) use and for use as an element of an automated system

A.V.Radetsky V.P.Avdotin V.G.Plyushchikov I.V.Reznik

Agriculture and Forestry Veterinary and veterinary and sanitary examination

№2018620295 Registered 25 Sep 2018

  • Priority25 Sep 2018
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2017621616
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 2

The Factual Database on Plant Diseases in the Russian Federation Since 2001

The database is intended for use in the educational and scientific activities of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The database contains information on 100 emergency situations related to plant diseases, and can be used for both manual (blank) use and for use as an element of an automated system. The database is applicable for independent work of students and teachers of the Agro-Industrial Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, as well as for studies in the academic programmes of extended and postgraduate education.

I.V.Reznik A.V.Radetsky V.P.Avdotin V.G.Plyushchikov

Agriculture and Forestry Veterinary and veterinary and sanitary examination

№2018620267 Registered 14 Feb 2018

  • Priority28 Dec 2017
  • Class of ICPI000
  • Application number2017621615
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 2

Methane Tank

The utility model refers to agriculture, namely to installations for processing organic sewage sludge and manure and can be used in the production of biogas and organic fertilizers.

A.P.Svintsov N.A. Stashevskaya S.L. Shambina

Engineering Sciences Technical systems

№178698 Registered 17 Apr 2018

  • Priority13 Apr 2017
  • Class of ICPIC12
  • Application number2017112754
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 11

Methane Tank

The utility model refers to agriculture, namely to installations for processing organic sewage sludge and manure and can be used in the production of biogas and organic fertilizers.

A.P.Svintsov N.A. Stashevskaya S.L. Shambina

Chemistry Organic chemistry

№178698 Registered 17 Apr 2018

  • Priority13 Apr 2017
  • Class of ICPIC12
  • Application number2017112754
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 11

Device for Periodic Modulation of Laser Radiation

The device for periodic modulation of laser radiation comprises a modulating unit consisting of two disks, one of which is a fixed transparent disk, to the surface of which a phase diffraction grating is applied. The grating is located along the circumference at a distance Rg from the disk axis. The second disk has a diffraction grating identical to the fixed disk. The second disc is rotatable and coaxial with the fixed disc. Disks are located in parallel planes. The technical result consists in increasing the frequency of periodic modulation of the beam power. 1 drawing.

V.A.Komotskii Yu.M.Sokolov

Physics Applied Physics

№176394 Registered 17 Jan 2018

  • Priority20 Dec 2016
  • Class of ICPIC02
  • Application number2016150142
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 1

Method for Producing Pyrrol[2,1-a] isoquinoline derivatives

The invention relates to organic chemistry, namely the method for producing pyrro[2,1-a]isoquinoline 3-6 derivatives, where 3: R1=OCH3, R2=H, R3=Cl, R4=H; 4: R1=OCH3, R2=H, R3=Cl, R4=CH3; 5: R1=R2=R3=OC2H5, R4=H; 6: R1=R2=R3=OC2H5, R4=CH3, comprising dissolution of 6,7-dimethoxy-3,4-dihydro-1-(4-benzoyl chloride)isoquinoline or 6,7-diethoxy-3,4-dihydro-1-(3,4-diethoxybenzoyl)isoquinoline in acetonitrile and addition of 1,5-diphenyl-1-peptene-4-in-3-ona 1-(4-methylphenyl)-5-phenyl-1-peptene-4-in-3-ona and 30 mole percent of cuprous bromide, and subjecting to microwave irradiation (300 W) for 30 min at +200 °C, wherein the residue received after the end of the reaction and removal of the solvent, is crystallized from ether. Technical Result: The method for producing pyrrol[2,1-a]isoquinoline derivatives, which may have useful biological properties, was developed. 4 ex.

T.N.Borisova A.V.Varlamov Leonid Voskresenskiy Matveeva Maria Dmitrievna

Chemistry Organic chemistry

№2656225 Registered 04 Jun 2018

  • Priority22 Jun 2017
  • Class of ICPIC07
  • Application number2017122018
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 16

Method of In Vivo Adaptation of Strawberry Microplants

The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to biotechnology. The method comprises planting microplants in plastic trays covered with lutrasil with planting openings preliminarily made therein, by immersing the plant root system in an aqueous antiseptic solution, with the subsequent provision of the flow circulation of water in the tray and the top fine-disperse humidification of the plants. A 0.01% solution of potassium permanganate is used as an aqueous antiseptic solution. The method allows to reduce the resource intensity of the plant adaptation process. 1 dependent claim, 1 table.

S.A.Kornatsky V.G.Plyushchikov M.M.Romanets V.I.Pletnev

Agriculture and Forestry Agriculture

№2016128103 Registered 24 Jan 2018

  • Priority12 Jul 2016
  • Class of ICPIA01
  • Application number2016128103
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 3

Method for Diagnostics of Place Deficit in Dentition

The invention relates to stomatology, in particular to orthodontics, and is intended for use in the diagnosis and planning of correction of dental arch deformities. Models of the dental arch of the upper and/or lower jaw are obtained, the sum of the mesiodistal dimensions of the twelve teeth is determined according to the model: right and left first permanent molars, first and second premolars, canines, lateral and central incisors (Σ12).

Т.F.Kosyreva M.B.Vasilyeva M.G.Kazarova

Medicine Clinical Medicine

№2641166 Registered 16 Jan 2018

  • Priority03 Oct 2016
  • Class of ICPIA61
  • Application number2016138832
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 2

Method for Wild Camomile Flowers Identification

The invention relates to pharmacognostic analysis and, namely, to identification of wild chamomile flowers. The method involves analysis of solutions containing an alcohol extract of wild chamomile flowers and pierced mayweed flowers, a complexing substance and a buffer solution with Ph equal to 4-5, by spectrophotometric method at a wavelength of 340±2 nm and a maximum absorption at the specified wavelength on the absorption spectrum of the flowers extract identifies pierced mayweed flowers, and the absence of the maximum absorption at the specified wavelength on the absorption spectrum of the flowers identifies wild chamomile flowers. The method simplifies process of herbal medicinal raw materials (wild chamomile flowers) authentication. 1 dependent claim, 1 drawing.

Velikhanova Zaira Anna Marakhova Sorokina Alla Yaroslav Stanishevsky Boris Shvitko

Medicine Pharmacology and Pharmaceuticals

№2641093 Registered 15 Jan 2018

  • Priority01 Dec 2016
  • Class of ICPIG01
  • Application number2016147196
  • PublicationBul. of Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) No. 2