Linguistic and cultural identity and communication style in various social and cultural contexts
Linguistic and cultural identity and communication style in various social and cultural contexts


  • To study the influence of culture on language and communication behavior of people within the Spanish, French, British, Russian, Chinese linguistic cultures and in the main versions of the English language - British, American, Canadian and Australian, as well as in Indian English.
  • To expand the database of ethno-cultural, communicative and discursive features using the identified characteristics. For example, when studying everyday discourse, material for the database is collected by means of questionnaires, interviews, and observation, including included or ethnographic ones. This will allow you to learn the practices of native speakers in their natural environment. When studying political discourse, the method of discourse analysis of political texts is used.
  • To identify typical communication characteristics of representatives of different linguistic cultures. For example, the key features for the British are indirect, non-agreement, and the use of various means of mitigation, while for the Russians, on the contrary, they are straightforward, categorical, and contactable.
  • To specify parameters for describing communicative ethnos - national traits and communication styles.
  • To identify stylistic features in national versions of polycentric languages. An example of a polycentric language is English, which has several standard language variants (British, American, Australian, Indian, and others).
  • To conduct linguistic research in which we compare:
    • Style of English, Russian and Chinese regulatory texts.
    • Style of English and Russian anonymous review of a scientific article.
    • Discursive practices of addressing the unfamiliar in British English and Indian English, as well as in other versions of English.
    • Formality/informality in English and Russian communication cultures.
    • Manifestation of linguistic and cultural identity in speeches.
Project goals
  • To identify the communication features of representatives of different linguistic cultures (national cultures reflected in the language). We want to show how different national styles of communication behavior are, and how important the choice of appropriate language means is when expressing your thoughts in a foreign language.
  • To systemize ethno-cultural features of communication between speakers of different languages. We will highlight national characteristics and communication styles to show how culture, mentality, values and traditions are reflected in the language.
Project leader All participants
Tatiana Larina

Tatiana Larina

Project results
Preparing of more than 10 articles for publication in leading Russian and foreign journals.
Creating a database of samples of ethno-cultural features, discourse, and communication of the studied linguistic cultures.
Development of methodological recommendations for effective communication with representatives of the studied cultures.
Creating effective mechanisms to prevent communication failures and conflicts due to lack of understanding of the language and culture of the interlocutor.
Development of mechanisms for conflict-free and effective intercultural interaction with representatives of other cultures.
Application area
  • Using the obtained results to solve issues of cross-cultural communication in the international political arena, in the world economy, as well as in the field of migration policy.
  • Optimization of cultural, household and business communication, development of tolerance to other cultures.
  • Improvement of methods of teaching foreign languages, translation practices, courses of linguistic culture and textual studies for both students of RUDN and external students.
  • Developing students’ cultural sensitivity, tolerance, and communication skills with representatives of other cultures.