Elena Remchukova
Doctor of Philological Sciences

It is necessary to like the object of your scientific research – and it will reciprocate. The scientific result depends not only on the abilities and diligence, but also on the enthusiasm of the researcher.


Graduated with honors from the Faculty of History and Philology of Peoples’ Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (now RUDN University), speciality “Russian Language”, qualification “Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature”; also received a diploma of translator (French language). 


Her thesis on Candidate thesis on “Structural-semantic zone “complex action” in modern Russian language” was defended. The degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences was awarded. 

1984 - present

Assistant, associate professor (from 1990), then professor (from 2006) of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of Philological Faculty RUDN University.


The academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of Philological Faculty RUDN University was awarded. 


Member of the International Aspectological Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.


Doctoral thesis on “Creative potential of Russian Grammar: morphological resources of language” was defended. The degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences was awarded. 


The silver medal of VDNH for the monograph “Creative potential of Russian Grammar” was awarded.


The academic title of Professor at the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of Philological Faculty RUDN University was awarded.

2012 - present

Member of the National Association of Mass Media Researchers (NAMMI).

2014 - present

Member of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS).

2015 - present

Member of the international Board of reviewers of the journal “CUADERNOS DE RUSÍSTICA ESPAÑOLA” (WoS, Spain).

2014 - present

Reviewer of the journal “Media@llmanah” (HAC, MSU).

2015 - present

Member of the international editorial Board of the scientific collection “Studia Slavica” (Tallinn University, Estonia).


Conducts lectures for RUDN students of bachelor’s and master’s program in the direction of “Philology”:

  • “Morphology of the Modern Russian language”.
  • “Modern language processes”.
  • “Creative linguistics”.
  • “Semiotics and the language of advertising”.
  • Supervising of the profile discipline of postgraduate study 10.02.01 “Russian language” (Philological Sciences). Conducts classes in the specialty “Russian language” and a research seminar on the subject “Russian Studies, comparative and historical, typological and comparative linguistics”.

Conducted lectures at foreign universities:

  • 2008 - Bordeaux Montaigne University, France.
  • 2014 - University of Tartu, Estonia.


Conducts research work on the problems of the modern Russian language, creative speech activity, naming, linguistics of advertising:

  • Revealed the main features of creative speech activity implemented in modern mass media, including advertising communication, city naming and other communicative spheres;
  • Introduced the concept of mass linguocreative into scientific use, which is understood as speech-making activity of the masses - self-realization of the Russian language personality outside the literary text (for example, Runet or professional activities of a journalist, PR-specialist, copywriter, etc.).
  • Described the linguocreative components of the media discourse (polysemantics, transformations of various types, potential word- and form-formation, the use of precedent phenomena and precedent texts).
  • Defined and described the specifics of the development of the urban nomination sphere in Russia, which consists in the creative use of language means, which determines the special place of urbanonyms in the diverse creative speech activity.
  • Revealed gender and linguocreative features of the advertising text, proposed the method of their description in the comparative aspect on the material of Russian and French advertising.
  • Singled out such type of commercial advertising as nationally oriented advertising, which forms the image of Russia as a country with rich natural resources and cultural and historical heritage.

Scientific interests

  • Functional Grammar, Aspectology and word formation.
  • Linguistics of a creative.
  • Media linguistics.
  • Naming, city commercial nomination.
  • Semiotics and advertising language (including the study of the advertising text in the comparative aspect).
  • Multimodality as a complex of verbal and nonverbal means of influence.
In this book, scholars from Russia and Ukraine offer a novel approach to naming investigation in different areas of the speech activity. From the point of view of linguistics, authors analyze the language components of communication in urban space, in mass media discourse and in intercultural communication revealing the various cultural associations and peculiarities of national mentality. Relatively new is the study of urban naming as a kind of media discourse, which draws on techniques from sociolinguistics and forensic linguistic expertise.
The article considers the field of commercial nomination, one of the modern discursive practices in the aspect of teaching the native language. Commercial names, whose wide spread is due to the market economy peculiarities and the dynamic development of megacities, are the object of the research. Urbanonyms of the largest Russian megacities serve as the research material. Names of commercial objects characterise the onomastic environment of a modern city, as they constitute its significant part. They have the linguistic and the cultural value because they demonstrate the national and cultural identity of a city or a region. The goal of the proposed description is to prove this value and offer concrete forms of work with this new and non-standard linguistic material. The article describes certain methods of using commercial urbanonyms in the practice of teaching Russian in secondary schools, as well as general philological and special speech-related disciplines in higher educational institutions. The work with such material promotes greater involvement of schoolchildren and students in the modern educational process and enables the formation of general cultural competencies in schoolchildren and that of professional competencies of the students, who have chosen naming examination as for their specialisation. The results of the research and the recommendations developed therein can be used by practical teachers in the project activities of schoolchildren, as well as in the development of courses and special courses on semiotics, a language of advertising, copywriting, naming, branding and creativity linguistics.
The article deals with linguocreative means of an analytical newspaper text as a way of its dialogization. The pragmatics of the analytical newspaper article is formed by linguocreative means such as neologism, transformed quotes, idioms and polysemous headings which interact with the text imaginary means. The first are focused on the author ́s position expressing.

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Kristina Nikolova
Country: Bulgaria
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: Discourse Of An International Non-Governmental Organization (Based On The Russian And French Versions Of The Amnesty International Website)
Annotation to the dissertation: The dissertation describes the discourse of the international non-governmental organization Amnesty International in terms of the identification of its universal and ethno-cultural specifics based on the comparison of texts and polycode texts of the Russian and French versions of the organization's website. The influencing potential of texts in the two languages is considered in terms of the discursive activities of Amnesty International in Russia and in France. The organization's discourse is defined as a social hybrid persuasive discourse, suggesting a social dialogue with the Organization's supporters, the problems and forms of which are conditioned by the pragmatic intentions of the Addressee; verbal and non-verbal means of speech influence are described, basic communicative strategies and tactics are analyzed, principles of the websites' organization are highlighted. The research results contribute to the development of discourse study, comparative linguocultural studies and stylistics, theory of speech influence. The material of the research is also of linguodidactical value and can be used in developing courses on intercultural communication and text linguistics, as well as in teaching Russian and French languages, Russian as a foreign language, in translation theory and practice.

Lyaysan Zamaletdinova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Contemporary Russian Urbanonyms in the Aspect of Creative Speech Activity
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis deals with describing contemporary Russian urbanonyms in the aspect of a nominator's creative speech activity. The material of the research is the urban commercial naming in Russian megalopolises (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan). The research examines the sphere of commercial name giving as a kind of media discourse, which is characterized by increased linguistic creativity. The thesis describes tools for commercial linguocreative urbanonyms creating, analyzes basic communication strategies and tactics, as well as highlights principles of commercial namegiving. The results of the study are a contribution to the development of onomastics, linguistics of creativity, naming; they can be used for naming expertise. The material is also valuable in the linguodidactic aspect and can be used in the practice of teaching Russian in high school, including in students’ project activities, as well as in universities in the preparation of courses on lexicology, word-formation and stylistics, special courses on linguistics of creativity, semiotics, the language of advertising, copywriting, and naming.