Olga Valentinova
Doctor of Philological Sciences

The reliability of the research results is provided by the correspondence of the research method to the essence of the object of study.


Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Peoples’ Friendship University named after P. Lumumba.


Her thesis on Candidate thesis on “Dominant analysis of the language of fiction” was defended. The degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences was awarded.  

1991 - present

Assistant, associate professor, professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of Philological Faculty RUDN University.


Her Doctoral thesis on “Semantic structure of polyphonic word and text” was defended. The degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences was awarded.

2011 - present

Supervisor of the scientific seminar “Philological hermeneutics”.

2016 - present

Supervisor of the scientific internship program “General and particular methodology of philological science”.


Conducts lectures for RUDN students of bachelor’s and master’s program in the direction of “Philology”:

  • Philology in the system of Modern Humanities,
  • History of the Russian literary language (historical style),
  • Introduction to Slavic Philology,
  • Old Church Slavonic,
  • Historical grammar of the Russian language,
  • Theory of poetic language,
  • Philosophy, aesthetics and linguistics of polyphony,
  • Linguistic expertise.


  • The method and technique of dominant analysis of the language of fiction as a holistic and economical analysis, at the same time protects the researcher from distortion of the reality of the text and ensures the equality of the text itself were developed. She proposed a detailed theory of the dominant, understood as a substance that has the utmost aesthetic significance, and as the activity of the text for self-preservation and self-renewal.
  • The technique of slow reading was developed.
  • The concept of aesthetic typology of texts, which is based on the principle of correlation of sign and meaning was proposed. It leads to the mutual agreement of all levels of the text (aesthetic-linguistic, figurative-compositional, eidological) and determines the concentrated originality of the type of texts as a system.
  • The problem of polyphonic text integrity by revealing the principle of aesthetic integration of all levels of polyphonic text was solved. On the material of the works by F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • The concept of causal typology of texts, considering historical changes in literary language as the materialization of changes in social consciousness was developed. On the material of monuments of writing of the Russian literary language from the middle of the XI century to the beginning of the XXI century.

Scientific interests

  • Philological hermeneutics.
  • Theory and history of poetic language.
  • History of the Russian literary language.
  • Slavic studies.
  • Systems linguistics.
The article discusses some linguistic examples never previously presented in the form of full texts. Taken from lectures and spoken communications examples illustrate the explanatory potential of the ingenious linguistic theory of a unique but unfortunately little-known Russian linguist G.P. Melʻnikov. The purpose of the research is to update and represent for linguistic professional community the central idea of G.P. Melʻnikov’s conception – the idea of explaining the phenomena of one level of language by facts of the other levels. The authors have based their work on the systemic method of linguistic theory constructing and the explored by G.P. Melʻnikov doctrine of external and internal determinants of languages. The results can be used in linguistic typology and theoretical linguistics for explanation of a wide range of language phenomena.

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Yevgeniy Medvedev
Country: Kazakhstan
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: The Semantic Structure of an Orthodox Liturgical Sermon
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to revealing the immanent semantic structure of an Orthodox liturgical sermon. The theoretical significance of the research is determined by its contribution to the development of a systematic approach to the study of the texts of exceptional semiotic complexity, which include the liturgical sermon as an organic part of the main service of the Christian church. In the thesis the semantic structure of a liturgical sermon is studied proceeding from the essential opposition of a liturgical and non-liturgical sermon for the first time. The discovery of ontologically conditioned semantic constants and establishment of basic semantic tendencies of the Orthodox liturgical sermon as a central genre in the system of ecclesiastical speech genres made it possible to build criteria for the linguistic evaluation of diffuse texts - non-liturgical sermons - as they deviate from the principles of semantic organization of a liturgical sermon text, up to the limit of their ultimate distortion and transformation into the functional antipode of a liturgical sermon - a speech work of publicistic style. The thesis proposes the concept of the dictionary of essentially meaningful notions that can explicate the discrepancy of meanings fixed in common language and meanings formed in liturgical space. The results of the conducted research can be used in lecture courses on general and particular semiotics, lexical semantics, history of the Russian literary language, rhetoric, and in the preparation of special courses aimed at developing skills in working with a text.

Ekaterina Tuzova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2018
Research topic: Conceptual models of the effective election campaigns for the posts of Moscow and London mayors
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis research is devoted to finding out the explanatory potential of model making in political communication studying and clearing up the communicative view of the texts representing the election campaigns as a typical way of a typical content representation for a definite culture. The universal algorithm of the holistic conceptual model derivation of the election campaign is worked out in the thesis. The conceptual models of the successful election campaigns for the posts of Moscow and London mayors and to interpret these models as the ones which correlate with the horizontal and vertical types of culture in conditions of a special communicative situation – the election situation. The results of this research can be used both in the lectures of research is both worked out and used. That allowed to derive the holistic comprehensive method of comparative typology, general and particular semiotics, cross-cultural communication and philological hermeneutics, in specialized courses and seminars and in diploma and course paper’s themes making.