Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (UDN) with the qualification "Philologist. Teacher of the Russian language and literature". A translator from French into Russian and from Portuguese into Russian.

1971 - 1974

Translator in the USSR Ministry of Health in Algeria.

1977 - 1980

Postgraduate studies at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In 1983, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Linguistic and cultural interpretation of a literary text in a foreign audience" and got the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences.

1980 - present

Assistant, since 1989 – Associate Professor, since 1997 - Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

1984 - 1988

The head of a group of Russian teachers in Mozambique. Teaching Russian at the E. Mondlane University. 

1993 - present

Head of the Department of the Russian Language and Methods of Teaching at the Philological Faculty of RUDN.


He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Linguocultural situation: structure and issues of historical reconstruction" and got the degree of Doctor of Philology.

1999 - present

Member of the Board of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL).

2000 - present

Member of the editorial board of the journal "The World of Russian Word", member of the expert council of the journals "Cuadernos de rusística española" (Spain) (since 2014), editorial board of the scientific-theoretical journal "Slavic Readings" (Moldova) (since 2014), "Les Annales de l'Universite d'Alger 1" (Algeria) (since 2015).


Was awarded the golden medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center" for the book "Do not speak with a rough tongue" (co-authors M.V. Gorbanevsky, Yu.N. Karaulov).


Was awarded the badge "Participant of the All-Russian Exhibition Center".


"Man of the Year - 2002" according to the International Biographical Institute of the USA.

2003 - present

Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Russian Language Studies”.


Was awarded the title "Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" for his work in the sphere of teaching.


Was included into Slavic Encyclopedia (Leading Linguists of the World), the book Who is who in Russia.


Was awarded an honorary title "Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Karachay-Cherkessia Republic" for achievements and improving educational processes in intellectual, cultural and moral development of personality, great personal contribution to practical training of personnel for the republic and due to the 50th anniversary of RUDN.

2014 - present

Became member of the Russian Language Council under the President of the Russian Federation.


Was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation" for highly qualified teaching and research activities under the latest educational standards and methods to improve mastering a subject, course, discipline (module) and encourage its in-depth study; development of the latest methods and methodologies for teaching subjects, courses, disciplines (modules); involvement of students and graduate students in active scientific and practical activities; education and training of scientific and practical activities; education and training of scientific and pedagogical staff.


  1. Delivers lectures to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of RUDN in Philology and Linguistics:
    • "Philology in the System of Modern Humanitarian Knowledge".
    • "Linguistic and Cultural Problems of the Studied Language ".
    • "Linguocultural Studies."
    • "Introduction to Linguoculture."
    • "Linguoculture of Russia".
    • "Linguistic and Country Studies."
  2. Delivered lectures and presented plenary speeches at international scientific conferences in (at):
    • Shanghai Normal University (China),
    • Université Cheikh-Anta-Diop in Senegal (Senegal),
    • Constantine of Preslav University of Shumen (Bulgaria),
    • Jawaharlal Nehru University (India),
    • Algiers University I Benyoucef Benkhedda (Algeria),
    • University of Sorbonne (French: Université de Paris) (France),
    • University of Bologna (Italian: Università di Bologna),
    • University of Messina (Italy) (Italian: Università degli Studi di Messina, UNIME),
    • University of Leuven (Netherlands: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) (Belgium),
    • Sapporo University (Japan),
    • J.A. Comenius University (Latin: Universitas Comeniana Bratislavensis) (Slovakia), 
    • Congresses of International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature and Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature.
  3. His lecture on the methodology of Russian language teaching was included in the "Golden Lectures of Methodological Scientists of Russia" (2018).
  4. Under his supervision, 15 doctoral dissertations (including doctoral students from Tajikistan, Moldova), 60 PhD dissertations (including PhD students from India, China, Vietnam, Italy, Algeria, Oman, Turkey, Bulgaria, Senegal) were defended.

He is also the Chairman of the RUDN Dissertation Council in the fields of theory and methods of training and education and general pedagogy and the history of pedagogy and education.


  • One of the founders of the Russian school of cultural linguistics.
  • He developed the concept of linguocultural situation, linguocultural content of language. Linguocultural situation is a dynamic and wave-like process of interaction between languages and cultures in historically established cultural regions and social environments. It is characterized by the following main factors: temporal aspect; including several social formations, languages and cultures into the process.
  • He created a scientific school of theoretical and applied research in the field of linguocultural, linguocountry study aspect of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Linguocountry aspect became full-fledged along with phonetic, lexical, grammar aspects in the method of teaching Russian language in a foreign audience.

Scientific interests

  • Russian as a foreign language for professional purposes.
  • Teaching Russian to foreigners in different linguocultural environments.
  • Linguocultural aspect of learning and teaching Russian without linguistic environment.
  • Russian as a language of international communication and as a basis of spiritual and artistic culture of the Russian people.
Shaklein V.M., Lonskaya A.A. Analysis of cultural and thematic fields "the Vietnamese" and "the Enemy" in the Soviet print media in describing of the beginning of the war in Vietnam.
The article deals with identifying characteristic features of cultural and thematic fields "Vietnamese" and "enemy" in the Soviet printed media when describing the outbreak of war in Vietnam. The relevance of the work is connected with the analysis of linguocultural details, expressed by lexical units and used for broadcasting certain political ideas about the war in Vietnam on the pages of Soviet newspapers in the 1960s. The research resulted in selecting, analysing, classifying and describing the list of lexemes, included in the cultural and thematic fields "the Vietnamese" and "the Enemy". The aim of this work was to reveal the characteristic features of the cultural and thematic fields. The main methods of research included linguocultural analysis, complex stylistic analysis, observation, continuous sampling, classification, descriptive and comparative methods. The material of the research included the texts of the articles of the newspaper "Pravda" of May-June 1965.
Ivanov D. I., Shaklein V. M., Mitrofanova I. I., Mikova S. S., Deryabina S. A. Specificity of the discourse of the Russian musical rock culture and the logocentric model of the synthetic language personality
The article is devoted to the complex of important questions, connected with the study of rock culture as a specific open discursive system, genetically inscribed in the space of Russian national culture. The main purpose of this work is to determine the most promising ways and means of complex analysis of the phenomenon in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge. The terms "culturology", "discourse", "synthetic text", "rock text" are clarified. As a result of the study the conclusion is made that the rock song is created and realized in an inseparable unity of poetry, melody, musical rhythm, vocals, the audience factor, stage behaviour, so the rock text is naturally thought of as a synthetic one. Such a text cannot be adequately understood and studied within narrow disciplinary frameworks; moreover, its very essential nature and configuration cannot become the subject of study by individual scientific disciplines. In order to comprehend a developing integral cultural phenomenon of such a scale, one needs the "frame" of cultural studies, where one or another methodological strategy is implemented, in particular linguocultural strategy, which organically combines the study of speech activity with its cultural projection.
Strelchuk E.N., Shaklein V.M. Russian language studies is more alive than ever. Cuadernos de Rusística Española. 2018. № 14. PP. 15-25.
The relevance of Russian language studies as a scientific direction is evidenced by the media covering the problems of the Russian language, culture and literature. This article presents a review of Russian and foreign journals devoted to this topic. A brief excursus into the history of Russian studies is made, its current state on the basis of analysis of periodicals is considered. Attention is paid to the articles in English. An analysis of changes in the editorial policy of journals from the point of view of modern trends is given. It is noted that the main goals and objectives of the journals, as well as the solution of many problems (anti-plagiarism, citations, etc.) are aimed at promoting the Russian language through the media. A detailed analysis of the journal "Russian language studies" (formerly named "Vestnik RUDN. Series: Russian and Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching") in the light of the current problems of periodicals. The conclusions are made about the realization of the main mission of the journals: preserving and promoting the Russian language in a multipolar world.
Shaklein V.M., Mikova S.S. National aspect of the linguistic personality of a modern teacher of Russian as a foreign language.
The change of scientific paradigms, which took place at the end of the 20th-beginning of the 21st century, made a thinking, speaking and listening personality the centre of linguistic research. Modern anthropocentric paradigm of scientific knowledge influences pedagogical concepts, in particular, ideas about the personality of a teacher and a student. In this regard, the study of the features of the linguistic personality of the teacher stays relevant, in particular the issues of parameterization of the linguistic personality for its evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness of educational interaction, in the framework of professional development courses. The article is devoted to the influence of a teacher's linguistic personality on the linguistic personality of students. Particular attention is paid to the national aspect of the investigated linguistic personality.
Shaklein V.M., Lan N.F. Informative component of winged expressions in A.S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" from the position of Vietnamese linguistic tradition. Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism. 2017. Vol. 6. №: 3. pp. 388-405.
A large number of phrases from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov are winged expressions. Even now they have not lost their relevance, thanks, among other things, to the semantic precision, emotional expressiveness, the peculiarities of national and cultural semantics. This is confirmed by numerous examples of using the quotations from the comedy in the media, from newspapers of the first quarter of the 19th century to modern Internet texts. The national specificity of understanding the meaning of these expressions is based on the cultural and historical background, the traditions of Russian society. The Russian and Vietnamese languages have a significant number of similar features in the semantic content of winged expressions. This helps to better understand the content of Griboyedov's text. In both languages the very notion of "winged expression" has a similar definition. The different understanding of winged expressions in the Russian and Vietnamese linguistic cultures is caused by the fact that the representatives of the Vietnamese linguistic culture perceive their meaning in the context of a close relationship with the traditions, culture, philosophy, religion, past and present of Vietnam.
Shaklein V.M. Linguocultural geography of limitrophic zones of Russian language functioning.
The article deals with the actual topic of modern Russian studies - the perception of the Russian language of the limitrophe zones as natural territories of the Russian civilization. The naturalness is understood here in culturological and historical aspects, taking into account the status-quo of these territories formed at the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries.
Shaklein V. M., Cui Liwei, Mikova S. S. Linguistic and cultural images of Russia and China in the artistic works of the representatives of the Russian Far Eastern emigration: monograph. - Voronezh, 2017. - 170 p.
The monograph examines the peculiarities of linguistic means of linguocultural images of Russia and China in the works of Russian poets and writers who emigrated after the events of 1917 to China. The authors specify the meaning of the term "linguocultural image" in connection with the image of the country, created by the units of the literary text, analyze the role of different linguistic means - non-equivalent, connotative, background vocabulary, proper names - in creating such images. The authors trace the relationship between the means of creating linguocultural images of countries and universal linguocultural categories "their own - foreign".

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Quach Thi Binh Tho
Country: Vietnam
Year of protection: 2014
Research topic: Conditional language used by Russian-speaking youth in Vietnam: the linguistic-cultural aspect
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to providing a linguistic and cultural analysis of the vocabulary of the conditional language used by Russian-speaking people on the background of Vietnam’s linguistic culture. It is aimed at analyzing the causes of forming the youth’s conditional language. It has been proved that the conditional language of the youth explicates a special type of culture: the underlying culture of the youth, and in the wider scope, the culture of the youth. The linguistic identity of the youth is reviewed in the capacity of the conditional language user. The analysis is conducted for the lexical-semantic structure of the conditional language used by the modern youth in the context of native linguistic culture and the modern Russian-speaking youth in Vietnam. We also study the influence by Vietnam’s linguistic culture on the conditional language of the Russian-speaking youth living in Vietnam. Materials of the thesis can be used in lectures for courses on general linguistics, lexicology linguistics and culture, in the scientific research be student, in making dictionaries and textbooks.

Faje Fatu Diop
Country: Senegal
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: The semantic relationships of language and culture in the conceptually important Russian vocabulary from the position of the Senegalese linguistic tradition
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to complex description of the relationship of language and culture at the level of lexical hubs content of the text, identify their hierarchy and functioning in the process of self-organization of the text and the discourse on the background of the Senegalese linguistic tradition. In the structure of the hub of the cultural meaning primarily distinguished the terms " linguocultural universal", " linguocultural dominant", " linguocultural detail", " linguocultural field." The author describes the reflection lexical content hubs in the process of self-organization of text and discourse on a material of Russian and Senegalese artistic works of the XX century. The study findings can be used in teaching special courses on cultural linguistics, linguistics of the text, in practical classes on style and interpretation of the text, as well as in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Kristina Akhnina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Medical net-discourse: linguistic and communicative-pragmatic characteristics
Annotation to the dissertation: The research is devoted to the analysis of linguistic features and communicative - pragmatic characteristics in medical net- medical discourse. For the first time the concept of medical net –discourse has been introduced, the types and genres of medical net -discourse have been classified, their description from the perspective of communication theory has been held. In this work for the first time revealed the languages and features lingvopragmatiс network of medical communication, highlights the main graphic, style, syntax, word formation, lexical and textual features of medical net -discourse. The results of the research can be used in university courses theory of communication, verbal communication theory, speech culture, discourse theory, the theory of intercultural communication, as well as linguistic stylistics and text interpretation.

Olga Sveshnikova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Intonational Organization Conceptually Significant Lexemes in Russian Political Discourse (on the example of the 2012 election campaign)
Annotation to the dissertation: This research is devoted to lexemes conceptually significant in Russian political discourse in linguistic and cultural situation of the election campaign of 2012. It is the subject of a special research for the first time. Conceptually meaningful lexemes is actualized in the political leaders’ speech by intonation means (the place of intonation center, syntagmatic segmentation, type of intonation construction). The research makes a certain contribution to specification and development of conceptually significant lexemes, linguistic and cultural situation, the cultural and thematic field The study materials can be used in lecture courses on political, cognitive, cultural linguistics, linguistics, theory of text, stylistics, intonational analysis of text, in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Cui Liwei
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Linguistic cultural images of Russia and China in the art works of the representatives of the Far Eastern Russian emigration
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is the first attempt to describe the linguistic cultural images of Russia and China in the prose and poetic works of representatives of the Far East emigration. In the course of using language tools in the creation of both countries linguistic cultural image on a material of texts of Russian poets and writers, created in conditions of the Far East emigration. The analysis is performed using the method of linguistic-cultural analysis of a literary text. The results and study findings can be used in the development of theoretical courses on cultural linguistics, linguistic geography, analysis of a literary text, cross-cultural communication. The complete description of linguistic resources can be used in the classroom for Russian as a foreign language, as well as in the Chinese audience.