Managing RUDN international reputation
This strategic initiative is aimed at improving the reputation of the University in the scientific community on the world stage and, as a result, to improve the position of the RUDN in the international academic rankings.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 2020:
- An average engagement rate of social media users - 9%;
- An increase in traffic of foreign visitors as a percentage of the previous year - 30%;
- The number of positive references in the international information space - 200;
- The share of young administrative and management personnel (AMP) and research and educational personnel (REP) (up to 30 years old, working at the main place of work), who passed the international certification exams in English - 60%;
- The number of open master's programs on the subjects of Modern Languages and migration, with a progressive result - 2;
- The number of international events on Modern Languages and migration, including summer schools - 2;
- The number of scientific articles in the databases Web of Science and Scopus Q1/Q2, in the subject area Languages and Linguistic - 28;
- Formation of the University database of academic experts in the subject area of Modern Languages on the subject of foreign languages – 120;
- Formation of the University database of employers in the subject area of Modern Languages on the subject of Foreign Languages - 120;
- The number of master classes, seminars, special courses that are developed and conducted by employers / the number of students who took part in such events - 33;
- The number of expert examinations of educational products of the University in the subject area of Modern Languages on the topic of Foreign Languages from foreign employers and international professional associations - 3;
- The number of scientific articles in the databases Web of Science and Scopus Q1/Q2, in the subject area Languages and Linguistic - 15;
- The number of organized international events in the subject area of Modern Languages on the topic Russian language, with a progressive result - 2;
- The number of professors of the University included in the editorial Board of scientific journals in the subject area Languages and Linguistic indexed in the database Web of Science and Scopus - 5;
- Formation of the University database of academic experts in the subject area of Modern Languages on the topic the Russian language - 100;
- Position in the overall ranking THE - The Times Higher Education World University Rankings - 501-600;
- Rating THE Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health - not lower than 501-600;
- Rating THE Physical Sciences - not lower than 601-800;
- Position in the overall QS ranking - QS World University Rankings - 301-350;
- Rating QS Chemistry - 251-300;
- Rating QS Mathematics - 100;
- Rating QS Modern Languages - 201-250;
- Students from - 160 countries;
- The number of existing programs of cooperation with TOP 500 universities - 75.