

PJSC "Rubin Aviation Corporation" is the only enterprise in the CIS countries and the Russian Federation whose theme is the creation and manufacture of products for take-off and landing devices, hydraulic units and hydraulic systems of modern aircraft and other aircraft of all types.

History of cooperation:

The company provides practical training for students of the Academy of Engineering at RUDN University  (employment after graduation possible). The company has signed a long-term collaboration agreement to develop educational programs, to do undergraduate training and to employ students after graduation.


A large Russian oil company specializing in oil and gas production, exploration, technical equipment and technological support for oil and gas production.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


The company is one of the largest enterprises in Asia for the extraction and enrichment of copper and molybdenum. Closely cooperates with world industry leaders such as Finnish company Outokumpu Oyj, Australian Bateman Engineering Ltd. (Bateman Engineering Ltd.) and Pacific Our Technology Ltd. (Pacific Ore Technology Ltd.), UK Brooke Hunt and Associates Ltd. (Vgok Nupt & Associates Ltd), the American company Kay Degineering (KDEngineering), South Korean Corporation Samsung (Samsung Corporation) and others.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


The company carries out construction and installation works at oilfield facilities with a full technological cycle, starting from zero and ending with the commissioning of the facility. All work is carried out in full accordance with applicable standards and Rules. If necessary, subcontracting organizations are involved to carry out specialized work.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation)


The construction company LLP "Bolashak kurylys-Mangystau" has extensive experience in the construction market of Kazakhstan, has a developed material and technical building base. The main activity of the company is construction and installation works of industrial and civil buildings and structures, the installation of internal and external engineering networks, earthwork, the manufacture of metal structures.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


The strategic goal of establishing the Institute is to increase the efficiency of exploitation of oil and gas fields, increase the resource base and optimize costs by introducing advanced technologies and improving the management process in the field of field development, production and drilling. The Institute is the scientific center of the National Company “KazMunayGas” and coordinates the work of all scientific departments, implements uniform methodological approaches in the production process, prioritizes the introduction of modern proven technologies, guided by the principles of maximum technical and economic efficiency.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


This is the largest center of physical and chemical biology and biotechnology in Russia. He is a member of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and leads the work related to the chemical study of living matter. It studies the molecular mechanisms of various life processes, their practical use in the interests of medicine and agriculture, and also develops fundamental and applied aspects of biotechnology.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


The main activity of NPP Torii JSC is new developments and serial production of modern and promising electric vacuum devices and integrated devices of ultra-high frequencies of high and extra high power, including cathode technology and special ceramics.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University practice at the company (with the possibility of further employment after graduation).


Health surveillance of pharmaceutical activities, as well as licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities and activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, listed in list II and list III, etc.

History of cooperation:

Local body of Roszdravnadzor in the Udmurt Republic and RUDN University have been partners since 2015. During this time, in addition to student internships in this organization, several other events were held, including thematic courses of professional development and professional re-training of employees.


The Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium complex was opened in 2015 and meets its guests with the level of service suitable for the largest Russian hotel chain, AMAKS Hotels & Resorts. Krasnaya Pakhra complex is located 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, in a beautiful corner of the Moscow region. It combines the best traditions of a classical sanatorium with a modern level of service of a 4-star European-class hotel. The hotel has 259 comfortable rooms with all amenities and all the infrastructure: medical department, restaurant, aqua zone, and gyms.

History of cooperation:

Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium complex has been a partner of RUDN University since 2016.

Hotel Business and Tourism Institute and the sanatorium complex cooperate in the spheres of professional training and employment of students.

Areas of cooperation:

  • Holding master classes and practical training sessions for students;
  • Organization of training practices and internships in the hotel services;
  • Organization of winter and summer schools for RUDN students;
  • Carrying out programs of additional professional education;
  • Carrying out of Job fairs and selection of personnel from among graduates for employment.