

FinExpertiza LLC is the first Russian audit and consulting network to join the Forum of Firms, an association that unites the largest international audit networks. Membership in this association of professionals from the global audit market requires consistent application of audit practice standards recognized worldwide and support for the convergence of national standards with International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

History of cooperation:

The Law Institute has been cooperating with “Finexpertiza” LC since 2017. Experts and an employee of the company are constantly participating in Open Days organized by RUDN University.


Joint Stock Company «VBD Group» (Yellow, Black and White) is one of the biggest independent studios based in Russia focusing on movies and TV production. Bringing together creativity and maintaining a high quality of its product, Yellow, Black and White has managed to keep leading positions in the market for 12 years. Yellow, Black and White annually delivers a wide range of premium content that has the power to travel. The company’s activities span the entire content value chain with expertise in licensing, video and VOD distribution, theatrical releases, marketing and international sales. Studio’s shows regularly become a remarkable event in the TV landscape by being part of official selections to such competitions as Cannes Series, MIP drama, Toronto Film Festival and etc.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation is conducted in the field of internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


LLC PRP Group is an integrated communication agency. LLC PRP Group  with unique specialists, forms highly professional working groups and encourages intellectual flexibility.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


The company is engaged in conducting sociological research and organizing expert events.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


The company is engaged in the development of media projects and conducting public opinion polls.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing practices for students of the philological faculty of RUDN University.


The Russian Union of Martial Arts (RSBI) was created in June 2005. Today RSBI unites 63 all-Russian sports federations and organizations that represent different styles and directions of martial arts and martial arts, the most actively developing in the Russian Federation.

History of cooperation:

Working for more than 6 years in the company, since 2013, A. Subbotina, a graduate of the Philological faculty of RUDN University, has been attracting students to work as translators at the events of the Union - “Battle of Champions”, “Annual National Award in the field of martial arts“ Golden Belt ”, “Wushu Stars” and other 4 graduates of the Philological faculty have already been employed at RSBI.


The activity is aimed at helping young people with disabilities and children with special needs to overcome socio-psychological isolation, promoting their social rehabilitation and integration, self-expression and self-realization, formation of independent living skills.

History of cooperation:

 Since 2018, cooperation in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


MSPPU is an educational institution of higher education, carrying out educational activities under the educational programs of higher education and scientific activities, created for the implementation of educational, scientific, social and other functions of a non-commercial nature, as the main goal of its activities.

History of cooperation:

Since 2017, cooperation in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


State budgetary institution "Center for social assistance to families and children " Helios" provides socio-psychological, social-pedagogical and urgent social services. 

History of cooperation:

 Since 2016, cooperation in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.


Domodedovo Secondary School No. 10 is a general educational organization that implements the basic general educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education and additional general development programs.

History of cooperation:

 Since 2018, cooperation in the field of organizing internship for students of the Philological faculty of RUDN University.