

The largest Soviet and Russian media holding. Currently, VGTRK broadcasts on 20 programs, 16 of which are intended for remote regions of Russia. "Russia-1" - the flagship TV channel of the company; All-Russian, informational, socio-political. "Russia-24" is a round-the-clock information and socio-political television channel.

History of cooperation:

Since 2015, cooperation has been conducted in the field of organizing practices for students of the department of International Relations of RUDN University.


The Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences was created on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in September 1966. His main task was to comprehensively study the problems of China, Japan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the relations of the Soviet Union / Russia with these states, the experience of the socio-economic development of these countries, their history and culture, and the promotion of inter-civilization dialogue with NEA countries. Over the past years, the Institute has become the leading research institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the largest research centers for the comprehensive study of the problems of China, Japan, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and relations between Russia and the countries of this region. The Institute conducts a study of international organizations and dialogue structures such as APEC, SCO, RIC, BRICS, ASEAN.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation has been ongoing since 2014. At the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, various scientific research events are regularly held - conferences, seminars, etc.


Established in 1818, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has received wide international recognition as one of the leading research centers in the world. In the face of scientists working at the Institute of Oriental Studies, this academic scientific institution has enormous intellectual potential, capable of further developing domestic science and adequately representing it in the world scientific community. At present, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a leading global scientific center covering a wide range of areas of Oriental research. The study region extends from the west coast of North Africa to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and the chronology covers all historical periods of the history of the East - from antiquity to the present day.
The composition of the scientific divisions of the Institute reflects the focus of scientific research and their geographical location. Most of the Research Centers and departments of the Institute of Oriental Studies are engaged in research of certain countries and regions (for example, the Center for Arab Studies, the Center for Japanese Studies, the Center for the Study of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania). A number of scientific departments set as their tasks the development of the most pressing problems of the East (in particular, the Center for Energy and Transport Research, etc.). The Institute has a Scientific Archive, a Scientific Publishing Department and other units providing the research process.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation has been ongoing since 2016. Various research and development events - conferences, seminars, etc. are regularly held at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Institute of the Middle East, until 2005 - Institute for the Study of Israel and the Middle East (since 1995), was founded in 1993 as the Institute for the Study of Israel. The founders set themselves the task of stopping the degradation of Russian Oriental studies in the field of studying the Near and Middle East, preserving archival and library funds, supporting existing ones and attracting young specialists. A significant role in the formation of the Institute was played by the acquaintance of its creators with the experience of the American, British, French and Israeli schools for the study of BSV. The library and archive of the IBS are unique. Among them are monographs, collections, regional reference books, the series “Middle East and Modernity”, “Arab Countries”, and the youth “Oriental Collection”. The IBI issues monthly the reviews “Political-Military Situation in Iraq”, “Iran - Political-Military Situation” and “Iran - Economic Situation”, situational reviews on Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Somalia. A weekly review is published “On Changes in the Military-Political Situation in the Middle East and North Africa”. Projects implemented by the IBS in the field of studying Israel have no world analogues.

History of cooperation:

We have been cooperating since 2017. Various research and development events, such as conferences, seminars, etc., are regularly held at the site of the Middle East.


By the end of 2016, the volume of the RSL funds amounted to about 47 million units. For visitors there are 36 reading rooms. Every minute the doors of the Library are opened by five visitors. About a hundred thousand new users are added per year. In December 2016, on the foundation of the art gallery of the Rumyantsev Museum, a new Ivanovo Hall was opened, which became the main exhibition site of the Russian State Library.
From January 1, 2017, the obligatory copies of all printed publications published in our country began to be received in electronic form in the Russian State Library. On the RSL portal, a system has been created for receiving, processing, storing and recording mandatory electronic copies.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation has been ongoing since 2015. There is a signed cooperation agreement.


The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the oldest scientific archive of Russia. Created almost simultaneously with the Academy, it like a mirror reflects all the stages of formation, achievements and changes in the history of science. Institutionally, academic science has always stood apart and was organizationally separated from the university and industry, which was a characteristic feature of its development in our country, especially in Soviet times. The "headquarters of Soviet science," as they often called The Academy concentrated its efforts on the development of basic research, which were then used by applied areas and human practice. True scientific knowledge itself, as you know, knows no boundaries, it is multifaceted and international. Outstanding discoveries and achievements belong to all of humanity and nourish any scientific community, wherever they are located geographically, and no matter how organizationally isolated they are. Therefore, a succession of ideas and discoveries is the main content of any scientific archive, including the Archive of the Academy of Sciences.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation has been ongoing since the current (2019). In 2019, a number of students of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of PFUR underwent practical training in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where they learned the basic principles of working with archival sources.


The company was established in 2014. Since then, its customers have become more than 300 organizations and private companies. The company employs over 2,600 translators.

History of cooperation:

We have been cooperating since 2015. A number of employees of Properevody LLC participated in the translation into English of a textbook published by the team of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations and dedicated to the foreign policy of the CIS countries.


The Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN) firmly occupies a leading place among research institutes, becoming a kind of ‘think tank’, i.e. a community of renowned study experts from the United States and Canada. The Institute was founded in 1967 by Academician G.A. Arbatov, who headed it until 1995, when the director was S.M. Horns. ISCRAN is one of the main centers for developing recommendations for senior government agencies on issues of domestic, foreign and military policy, on the problems of economic restructuring of the Russian national economy.

History of cooperation:

Collaboration has been ongoing since 2016. Various research and development events, such as conferences, seminars, etc., are regularly held at the Institute of the USA and Canada RAS.


L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, an acknowledged academic, research, social and cultural centre, was founded in 1996 by the Decree of N.A.Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 
Today the ENU is a university with special status acquired under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and with sufficiently high international authority; it is an implementer of academic innovative technologies and continuer of the best research traditions. The ENU was the first Kazakh University to launch double-diploma Master’s degree within the Net University of the CIS countries and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) University.

History of cooperation:

Ongoing cooperation in joint scientific and practical events (seminars, conferences) since 1998.


Higher educational institution in the system of educational institutions of the Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences, providing training for officers for the penal system.

History of cooperation:

Ongoing cooperation in joint scientific and practical events (seminars, conferences).