

The party was formed in 2006. The party’s platform is based on the principles of equal access to education and cultural heritage, and eliminating the gap between different social groups.

History of cooperation:

The Political Party “Spravedlivaya Rossiya” organizes different meetings and internships for the RUDN University students of the “Regional Studies” program.


OAO “Kombinat “Uralasbest” is considered to be one of the biggest producers of chrysotile. Also, OAO “Kombinat “Uralasbest” is the largest manufacturer of non-metallic building materials in Russia for road and railway construction.

History of cooperation:

The company conducted a meeting of the students of the Construction Engineering Faculty with the secretariat of all-Russian “Chrysotile Association”, PhD in Technology S.M. Neumann (12-29, March, 2016). They also organize different internships for students of the “Regional Studies” program. 


The Agency “Delovoy Protocol” specializes in the development of business and international communications. The company helps people and companies to build their reputation in the context of their business interests.

History of cooperation:

Since 2016, the organization has been cooperating with RUDN University in the format of providing internships for students of “Psycho-Pedagogic Education” program.


The company has existed since 2011 and is mainly engaged in growing crops.

History of cooperation:

The organization has been cooperating with RUDN University in the format of conducting internships for students of “Psycho-Pedagogic Education” since 2016.


The Institute of Europe was established in 1987 at the USSR Academy of Sciences. The task of the new institution was to increase the level and complexity of scientific research on the political, economic, social and other problems of modern Europe. The formation of the new academic center was dictated by the need for scientific understanding of the profound changes taking place in Europe, the presence of a wide request from the state bodies and the public for a professional assessment of their consequences and prospects. Founded and led the Institute for over a decade now Honorary Director, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaliy Vladimirovich Zhurkin. From 1999 to January 2014, the Institute was headed by a prominent economist, outstanding public figure and writer, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Petrovich Shmelev. Currently, the post of director is held by Doctor of Political Sciences Aleksey Anatolyevich Gromyko.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation has been ongoing since 2016. There is a signed cooperation agreement. On the site of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, various research events are regularly held - conferences, seminars, etc.


The main activity of the company is the provision of day childcare services.

History of cooperation:

The organization has been cooperating with RUDN University in the format of the conducting internships for students of “Psycho-Pedagogic Education” since 2018.


All types of dental care services to children from birth to 18 y.o.

History of cooperation:

Since 2008, internship “Assistant children’s dentist” for 5th-year students of RUDN Medical Institute majoring in Dentistry.


All types of dental care services to children from birth to 18 y.o.

History of cooperation:

Scientific and practical activities since 2004.


The Center is the leading enterprise of the space industry in Russia, it carries out complex development of control systems for rocket and space technology (development of the theory of flight control, design and manufacture of all necessary components, their testing and maintenance).

History of cooperation:

The Center employees are given training and retraining at the Academy of Engineering. Leading experts of the Center give classes to students of the Institute of space technologies of the Academy of Engineering.


The R&D Center is one of the leading enterprises of Russia in the field of space instrumentation. The flagship products are the following:

  • complexes of automated spacecraft control;
  • radio engineering systems for spacecraft docking;
  • complexes of reception, processing, distribution of information of remote sensing of the Earth;
  • earth observation radar systems from space;
  • radio engineering complexes for low-orbit satellite communication systems.
History of cooperation:

The Center employees are given training and retraining at the Academy of Engineering. The Center provides on-the job training for students of the Academy.