

Production unit of the «Soyuzsnab» group of companies. Production and supply of a wide range of raw materials and ingredients for various sectors of the food industry, technological and information support.

History of cooperation:

RUDN IBChTN has been cooperating with the Green Lines since 2018, in the field of organizing internships and employment of undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Sanofi is a reliable partner in the field of healthcare, has various expertise aimed at improving the quality of life of patients from the earliest days to adulthood.

History of cooperation:

IBChTN RUDN University has been cooperating with the SANOFI since 2018, in the field of organizing internships and employment of undergraduate and postgraduate students.


The Historical and Local Lore Complex Museum-Laboratory Star Chronicle of the Health School Education Center No. 287 of the Ostankino District has been operating since September 2007, on the occasion of the 860th anniversary of Moscow. The museum is dedicated to astronomy and the history of Russian cosmonautics. The total number of museum objects in the exposition and in the collections totals about 35 thousand storage units, including: items of the clothing and documentary collections, a book fund, philately and a philocardy (stamps and postcards), a video library, and students' creative works. The museum exposition is constantly updated with new exhibits.

History of cooperation:

We have been cooperating since 2007. In addition to practice, there are different types of interaction:

  • participation of our students in the seminar "Dialogue of cultures in the museum space",
  • periodic master's seminars on modern methods of exposure design;
  • attraction of our students in the acquisition of funds and work with collectors, etc.

The State Central Theater Museum named after A.A. Bakhrushin was founded on October 29, 1894 by a prominent public figure, a well-known Moscow industrialist and philanthropist A.A. Bakhrushin. Today, the museum has more than 1.5 million exhibits: sketches of costumes and sets by outstanding masters of scenography, photographs and portraits, stage costumes of great actors, programs and posters of performances, rare publications on theatrical art, objects of decorative art and much more. The main building and nine branches of muses are located in Moscow her: three memorial houses, four apartment museums, a workshop museum and a studio museum.
In addition to numerous exhibitions and a detailed excursion program, interesting for both children and adults, the “Poster” of the museum offers meetings with famous artists and creative evenings, as well as lectures on the history of the theater using unique stock materials.

History of cooperation:

Interaction since 2016. Throughout the time, mainly - cooperation in practice. For all the time 1 student was employed - Valery Melovanova. Currently, it no longer works there.) I worked for 1 year, 1 month).


A modern multifunctional cultural center, where exhibitions, performances, performances, lectures, concerts and master classes by experts in various fields of science, culture and art, aimed at a wide audience, are regularly held. Here is a modern library with open access, which presents the latest publishing news, several coworking areas with sockets and free wi-fi, as well as cozy cafes. Modern Moscow theater and dance performances are presented at the venues, and public constructivist spaces are used as a place for comfortable leisure, work, communication and creative implementation of citizens.

History of cooperation:

Interaction since 2010. Throughout the time, mainly - cooperation in practice. For all the time 1 student was employed - Svetlana Chekunova. Works there to this day.


The Belyaevo Gallery was opened in 1988 and went down in the history of Russian fine art as the venue for the first exhibitions of Soviet nonconformist artists: Ernst Neizvestny, Oscar Rabin, Eduard Shteinberg, Yevgeny Kropyvnytsky. The gallery was in constant search of new forms and possibilities for the embodiment of bold artistic ideas and innovative synthetic projects. Today the Belyaevo 
Gallery is a multifunctional cultural and educational center, a generator of various artistic and educational practices. On the basis of the gallery there is a training center for the arts, a design bureau and an art boutique; music programs and theater performances are successfully held. 
Annually, more than 20 exhibitions of Russian and foreign artists are installed in the Belyaevo Gallery. The gallery is located in a place with an interesting intangible heritage: in the Belyaevo district, the historical “Bulldozer Exhibition” was held; Here lived and worked one of the most prominent representatives of the Moscow conceptual school Dmitry Prigov, etc. Given this, the exhibition strategy involves the implementation of art projects representing conceptual art.

History of cooperation:

Interaction since 2014. Throughout the time, mainly - cooperation in students trainings.


A museum with a permanent collection of more than 12 thousand art objects: paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations. It organizes exhibitions, carries out scientific, restoration and publishing activities, provides support and involvement of young authors in the art process. Carries out the implementation of processes related to the processing of existing collections and the acquisition of new
Conducts general theoretical research of an art history character

History of cooperation:

Collaborated since 2018. 1 student is employed. Works till present.


One of the leading natural science museums. Actively introducing in its activities the cultural forms and methods of contemporary art. The study of the audience of cultural institutions.
It implements various forms of cultural and educational activities. Holds national exhibitions of animal artists.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2018. During the collaboration, they held several meetings with leading museum employees, a practice, a seminar on the museum profession.


Russian state news agency at the federal level. The headquarters is located in Moscow.

History of cooperation:

Since 2015, cooperation has been conducted in the field of organizing practices for students of the department of International Relations of RUDN University.


Russian international multilingual information television channel. The RT television network includes eight news and documentary channels, online information portals in six languages, and the global multimedia agency RUPTLY, which offers exclusive content to television channels around the world.

History of cooperation:

Since 2015, cooperation has been conducted in the field of organizing practices for students of the department of International Relations of RUDN University.