

Gazprom Neft’s Science and Technology Center (Gazpromneft STC) is to inhance oil production through the deployment of new technologies and engineering solutions. Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center is Russia’s only facility that collocates scientific research, development of oil production technologies and remote management of high-tech operation processes. In fact, it combines the functions of a technology center, a research institute and a university.

History of cooperation:

Students of the Engineering Academy of RUDN University do an internship at the company (with the possibility of post-graduation employment).


Rosneft subsidiary is one of the oldest oil producing companies in Russia. The company is located in three major oil producing regions of Russia: the Volga-Ural province, Timan-Pechora and Western Siberia.
More than 180 oil fields are in commercial operation. The company also produces and sells motor fuels of high ecological standard Euro-5 and Euro-6.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company. The company has signed an agreement on long-term cooperation in the field of joint development of educational programs, practical training of students and employment of graduates.


LLC Gazprom VNIIGAZ is the head scientific center of PJSC Gazprom in the field of Geology, development of fields, production, transportation, underground storage and processing of gas and gas condensate, development of hydrocarbon resources of the continental shelf, ecology, involvement in the development of unconventional gas resources, industrial safety, training of highly qualified personnel.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company.


Included in the lict of companies that have received accreditation for training of employees and employers in labor protection, and is an official partner of Transneft, the largest monopoly. Provides private educational services - training and advanced training for workers in the main professions in the field of oil and gas production and processing, as well as in related fields (chemical, engineering, electric power, etc.).

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company.


Mikhailovsky GOK is one of the largest iron ore mining and processing enterprises in Russia and the CIS. Mikhailovsky GOK is developing an open-pit mining of an iron ore deposit, with proven reserves of 10.4 billion tons. The main types of marketable products of the Mikhailovsky GOK are: sinter ore; iron ore concentrate; unfluxed pellets; fluxed pellets.

History of cooperation:

15 years students have been undergoing practice at the enterprise.


Carries out geological and geochemical work, scientific and methodological and information-analytical support for geological exploration, laboratory analytical and technological research, and geoecological research.

History of cooperation:

Internship and employment of graduates-geologists.


Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals (TsNIGRI) was founded in 1935 to ensure planned gold output in Russia.
The institute focuses on diamond, precious and base metal mineral base development and reproduction.

History of cooperation:

Internship and employment of graduates-geologists.


"Gazprom dobycha Urengoy", a subsidiary enterprise of PJSC "Gazprom". The main types of production activity of the enterprise: extraction of natural gas, gas condensate and oil, preparation for transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials, formation of raw materials base.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company.


The main activities of the Institute are: geology of ore deposits, metallogeny; petrology; mineralogy and crystal chemistry; geochemistry; isotope geochemistry and geochronology;
radiogeology and radio geoecology; geoinformatics; volcanism and natural disasters; magmatism and mineralogenesis of the bottom of the oceans and the Arctic zone.

History of cooperation:

The company provides practical training for students of the Academy of Engineering at RUDN University  (employment after graduation possible).


A transnational holding with shareholders of Russian origin, engaged in the development and production of oil immersion equipment. The company's production facilities are located in the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation, Canada and Colombia. The company creates installations for oil production and water lifting, is engaged in the maintenance of its equipment.

History of cooperation:

July 2019, contract of cooperation, internship and joint research.