

Higher educational institution.

History of cooperation:

Cooperates in research practices of students of Agronomy.


The main areas of scientific activity of the Institute are:

  • integrated development of the bowels and underground space of the Earth. Development of new methods for the development of natural and man-made deposits. The development of the oil and gas complex of Russia;
  • new processes of complex and advanced processing of natural and technogenic mineral raw materials;
  • catastrophic processes of natural and technogenic origin, seismicity - study and forecast;
  • evolution of the environment and climate under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Scientific foundations of environmental management. Use of traditional and new sources of energy;
  • development of methods, technologies, technical and analytical tools for studying the surface and bowels of the Earth, the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Geoinformatics.
History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2015. Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company in areas of training:

  • 21.05.04 Mining
  • 21.05.02 Applied Geology
  • 05.04.01 Geology
  • 21.03.01 Oil and 

Zarubezhgeologia specializes in the study and evaluation of mineral, energy, water, land, and other natural resources, as well as geo-ecological research and projects. The Company was founded to carry out production, design, and scientific work in the field of geology in foreign countries.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company.


The company "GeoCompany" is a developing organization established in 2009. In the early years, GeoCompany was part of a larger company, but in February 2012 it became a separate company. It was led by a graduate of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The company specializes in providing services in the field of drilling and field testing of soils, geological, geodetic and environmental surveys.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company. The company has signed an agreement on long-term cooperation in the field of joint development of educational programs, practical training of students and employment of graduates.


Geotechconsulting LLC renders the entire spectrum of modern geological services. The company’s staff includes specialists with many years of experience, both in traditional geological activities in assessing mineral deposits, feasibility studies, calculating reserves, and in the field of solving modern problems on 3-dimensional modeling of deposits, optimization and planning of mining operations in open and underground mining.

History of cooperation:

Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company. The company has signed an agreement on long-term cooperation in the field of joint development of educational programs, practical training of students and employment of graduates.


Engineering surveys for the construction of the largest facilities in the Russian Federation, on the territory from Vladivostok to Novaya Zemlya Islands, including the Arctic circle, in mountainous areas and remote taiga areas.

History of cooperation:

In June 2019, students-geologists of Engineering Academy passed practice in LLC "Ingeo" in the territory of Chukotka.


«Russalt» LTD — is the largest salt producer in Russia. The main activities are mining, producing and realization of edible and industrial salt.
As a result of reorganization, which took place in 2008, the Company has united three largest salt deposits with explored reserves estimated at millions of tons.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2018. Students of the RUDN Engineering Academy (with the possibility of further employment after graduation) are trained in the company.


RN-Vankor, a subsidiary of Rosneft,  is the operator for the development of deposits of the Vankor cluster - the Vankor, Suzun, Tagul and Boat deposits located in the north of Eastern Siberia - in the Turukhansky district and the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2018. There is a signed long-term agreement. Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing internship for students.


Acts in order to satisfy state and public needs for geological information on geological exploration, mineral resources and the use of the subsoil of the Russian Federation, with the goal of organizing, scientific, methodological, software and hardware support for a unified state system for collecting, storing, protecting and providing information resources in areas of geology and subsoil use in the Russian Federation.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2019. There is a signed long-term agreement. Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing internship for students.


Ensures the presence of the Company in the Central Federal District and is the largest oil refinery in the region.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2019. There is a signed long-term agreement. Cooperation is conducted in the field of organizing internship for students.