Oil and Gas Engineering

Oil and Gas Engineering

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Oil and Gas Engineering

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
6600 6400


The world needs energy
Oil and gas are the main resources. The demand for oil and gas continues to be as high as before, and our specialists are directly related to meeting this need. A graduate of the Oil and Gas Engineering Program is tasked with extracting these valuable resources from the Earth's interior, applying modern technological solutions, and transporting oil, oil products and gas to consumers.
Preparing generalists
Our graduate is a highly qualified specialist in the field of fuel energy, including field development, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons. His professional goal is to conduct engineering surveys, scientific research, development of fundamentally new technologies for the oil and gas complex. These are specialists involved in government international grants and commercial projects.

Educational Process

From raw material extraction to the final product
This program is multidisciplinary, it includes the development of oil and gas fields, transportation, storage and processing of oil and gas. In the course of study students will gain knowledge and skills of modern methods of oil production intensification and peculiarities of development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves, skills in justification and selection of technology and techniques of oil production within complicated conditions. The program includes disciplines dealing with the design and construction of oil and gas transportation facilities, including the peculiarities of pumping high-viscosity and high-liquidity oils.
Evening classes
A student can master the Educational Program and simultaneously gain professional experience at leading enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Russia.
Availability of laboratory facilities and VR-complexes
The possibility of experimental research allows to obtain fundamentally new dependencies during research processes, and the results of research are approved in leading scientific publications in Russia and abroad.
World-class lectors and professors
80% of leading lectors have academic degrees, 50% of them are doctors of sciences. Thus, on the basis of numerous research and design developments of Professor V.M. Kapustin, complexes of various oil feedstock processing units were built and put into operation at Ryazan, Perm, Omsk and other oil refineries in Russia. Thanks to the technologies developed with the participation of Professor A.Y. Khavkin, by the way the only Russian holder of the UNESCO medal for the introduction of nanotechnologies in the oil and gas industry, the additional oil production during pilot works exceeded 0.5 million tons, gas – 80 million m3.
Participation in annual international scientific events
Under the guidance of mentors, students annually take part in various scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads, championships, for example, the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" and the International Oil and Gas Youth Forum "Hackathon Oil TATNEFT Challenge" in the direction of "Oil and Gas Engineering", and obtain prizes at the national and international levels. As a result, upon graduation a student has a portfolio that distinguishes a PFUR graduate and gives an unconditional advantage in employment.


Internship holds the fifth part of the Program
Research internships take place in scientific institutes and laboratories of the university. Production internships are provided by the conclusion of contracts with oil and gas and oilfield service companies - leaders of the oil and gas industry. This approach gives opportunities for students to approbate the results of scientific research on the basis of real production facilities.
From internship to employment
Currently, close contacts have been established with enterprises – potential employers for graduates. Students get practical skills by participating in real projects: Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Research Institute for Pipeline Construction, All-Union Research Institute for Construction, Operation of Pipelines and Facilities of Fuel and Energy Complex, "Tatneft", "Zarubezhneft", "Gazprom" and others.


Graduates of the Program can further develop a career in one of the following areas:
- continuing education and conducting research work in postgraduate school with further defense of a candidate's dissertation or work in research institutes, in design engineering organizations;
- employment in leading Russian and foreign oil and gas companies in managerial positions (our graduates work in «Gazprom», «Tatneft», «Zarubezhneft», «LUKOIL», «Rosneft», «Schlumberger», etc.).