Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields

Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
6600 6350


A teacher-researcher in this profile is involved in various stages of the evaluation, development and operation of an oil and gas field, is engaged in the scientific development and implementation of methods for enhancing oil recovery in the operation of inefficient or old wells. His professional goal is to most effectively lead the development of hydrocarbon deposits and solve any production issues.
The main areas of research affect the field of science and technology.
The sphere of professional interests of graduates includes research, production and teaching activities.

Educational Process

The program is aimed at highly professional training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of geology, exploration and development of minerals.
The main advantages of the program include the following:
— the possibility of combining research activities with a career in teaching;
— continuation of research activities as an employee of scientific laboratories and research institutes.
During the training, postgraduate students acquire the skills to conduct research in the field of science and technology, study, design, monitor and manage natural and man-made systems when extracting hydrocarbons (oil, associated and natural gas) and other components from the subsoil on the basis of rational subsoil use, including :
— resource-saving, environmentally safe and cost-effective geotechnologies for subsoil development;
— well production preparation systems;
— geological and technical systems of long-term and accident-free operation of enterprises.


Postgraduate students practice bases are both state and commercial mining organizations.
The program provides for the passage of pedagogical practice within the framework of the curriculum at the Department of Subsoil Use and Oil and Gas Business of the RUDN University, where students master the skills of teaching core disciplines of the relevant specialty and improve their qualifications as teachers.
Many research institutes and commercial companies offer graduate students employment during their internship.


Having successfully mastered the educational program, graduate students will be able to work
— in federal executive bodies – the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (“Rosnedra”);
— in leading scientific and industrial state and commercial organizations — All-Russian Research Institute of Geology of Foreign Countries (“VNIIZarubezhgeologia”), All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute (“VNIGNI”), All-Russian Research Institute of Organization, Management and Economics of the Oil and Gas Industry (VNIIOENG), “Rosgeo”, “Norilsk Nickel”, United Company “RUSAL”, Holding Company “Metalloinvest”, “Polymetal”, “KINROSS”, “BHP Billiton”, “Rio Tinto”, “Transneft”, “Gazprom”, “Zarubezhneft”, “Tatneft”, “Lukoil”, NGK “Slavneft”, “Rosneft”, “Vostsibneftegaz”, “Surgutneftegaz”, “LeninogorskNeft”, All-Russian Oil and Gas Research Institute , “Chevron” Oil Corporation (USA), “Elf Akiten” Oil Company (France), “Erdoyle Erdgas” Oil and Gas Company (Germany), “Vietsovpetro” Joint Venture (Vietnam), “Petron Industries” Inc. (USA), etc.
The qualification “Teacher — Researcher” allows graduates to carry out teaching activities in leading universities in Russia and foreign countries.