Mathematical Modeling in Technical Systems

Mathematical Modeling in Technical Systems

Training period
2 Year
Language of study


Mathematical modeling, information systems, information security are the main trends in the development of industry digitalization. This is of particular importance when creating modern technical systems. Mathematical modeling in technical systems involves the use of elements of artificial intelligence and modern programming technologies at a professional level. In the learning process, much attention is paid to machine learning, programming, as well as modern mathematical disciplines that are necessary for mathematical modeling. The profession of a specialist in information systems and information security is currently in great demand due to the growing number of threats in the information sphere of society and the state. In particular, this profession is important for areas of activity related to the control of critical information infrastructure facilities in banking and financial systems, the fuel and energy complex, healthcare, transport, etc. Commercial and government organizations, individual entrepreneurs are interested in the safety of their sensitive information, and are also required by law to ensure the security of information of other persons and organizations. Such information includes, for example, personal data of subjects, information constituting a trade secret. Organizations involved in the development, distribution, implementation and maintenance of information security tools are in need of specialists in information systems and information security.

Educational Process

The educational process for this educational program includes a set of disciplines in the field of information systems and ensuring the protection of information by technical and organizational measures, as well as basic technical disciplines in the field of fundamental informatics and information technology. Teaching involves specialists who work or have worked in the field of creating information systems and ensuring information security, as well as scientists with many years of teaching experience at the RUDN Academy of Engineering and other leading universities.


Practical trainings are organized both in research laboratories and at enterprises of the industrial complex, in IT companies and research centers. The tasks of production and technological practice are the organization and planning of production and technological activities, the collection, processing, analysis and systematization of world-class scientific and technical information, including in foreign languages, gaining experience in using standard professional software products focused on solving design, technological and scientific tasks in the field of information security. During the internship, students gain experience in active interaction with colleagues in the production and technological field of activity. Practices are organized at @PO Echelon, which is one of the leaders in the Russian information security market, as well as at the enterprises of the state corporations Roscosmos and Rostec.


During the training, students acquire skills that allow them to carry out professional activities in Russian and international companies that specialize in creating information systems and ensuring information security at the level of individual departments and large organizations, as well as in research organizations. Graduates of this program can build a career in high-tech industries, including enterprises of state corporations Roskosmos, Rostec and Rosatom, as well as in banking and finance, insurance, transport, services, etc. In connection with global digitalization of all production processes and systems of modern enterprises, specialists in information systems and information security will always be in great demand in the labor market.