Environmental Pedagogy

Environmental Pedagogy

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5250 5100


Modern ecology is a complex system of interrelated sciences. Its boundaries have expanded from studies of the “organism-environment” system to the “society-biosphere” system.
Environmental pedagogy arose at the intersection of three scientific disciplines: Environmental Science, Pedagogy and Psychology.
The professional competence of a specialist in the field of environmental education is based on the synthesis of acquired environmental, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and research knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve professional problems.
The teacher-ecologist is able to effectively:
— solve professional problems in educational institutions of different levels;
— to design the content of environmental education;
— use a variety of techniques, methods and means of teaching Environmental Science;
— to ensure the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the educational standard;
— to train and educate students, taking into account the specifics of environmental knowledge and types of environmental activities;
— to encourage the formation of general and environmental culture among students;
— use modern technologies for collecting and processing experimental data in accordance with the problem of research in the field of environmental education.

Educational Process

Training is conducted at the international level by highly qualified specialists, who are faced with the task of developing the following students' skills:
— choose and apply effective methods, forms and means of formation of environmental consciousness and culture,
— to carry out diagnostics of environmental consciousness and its individual elements in different groups of students;
— to form the skills of defining and solving pedagogical problems in the process of environmental education.
During the course, students:
— get an idea about the purpose, tasks, content and main forms of organization of environmental education;
— get acquainted with pedagogical and psychological approaches to environmental education,
— master the main categories and concepts of environmental education from a psychological and pedagogical standpoint.
Considerable attention is paid to the methodological aspects of environmental education.
The course “Environmental Pedagogy” contributes to the development of humanistic orientation of the personality of future environmental specialists, provides the opportunity to get a holistic view of students’ future professional activities, including the specifics of environmental education as a factor in sustainable development. Good educational, methodological and informational support of the course allows expanding the possibilities of independent work of students, systematization, deepening, consolidating the received theoretical knowledge, developing practical skills and competencies.
In the process of learning, students gain knowledge in such specialized disciplines as Environmental Education, Environmental Pedagogy and Psychology, Didactics of Environmental Education. The basic disciplines do not stand aside: Fundamentals of Environmental Science, Applied and Social Ecology, Environmental Philosophy and Culture, Computer Technology, Professional Foreign Language, etc., which allow broadening one's horizons and preparing a highly qualified specialist in the field of environmental education at the international level.


Practices allow you to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired by Masters as a result of mastering theoretical courses, develop practical skills and contribute to the integrated formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students.
In the process of learning, students undergo the following types of practices: educational introductory and research, pedagogical and pre-diploma ones.
Educational and research practice is carried out at the departments as well as in various organizations and institutions according to the specialty. The results of the practice contribute to the study of subsequent disciplines of the course, their more complete understanding, as well as the term research work.
Pedagogical practice is organized in educational institutions of different levels.
Pre-diploma practice is the final stage of training and is carried out after students master the programs of theoretical and practical courses. The base of practice and its content is determined by the theme of the final qualifying work.
Thanks to the competencies gained in practice, students studying “Environmental Pedagogy” achieve high career growth in their professional activities.


Professional activity of specialists in the field of environmental education includes pedagogical, psychological, research, methodological, cultural, environmental aspects.
Graduates who have completed the master’s program are highly qualified specialists who are able to effectively design and conduct education in the field of Environmental Science in educational institutions of various levels using appropriate pedagogical technologies and observing the ethics of relationships, taking into account the peculiarities of educational and extracurricular work withing the education system. The areas of professional activity of a graduate are education, social sphere, culture.
A specialist in the field of environmental education can work in educational institutions of different levels, in municipal and regional organizations carrying out activities for the protection of the environment and natural resources; research organizations whose activities are related to the development and improvement of innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies; in national and international public organizations.