Organization of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission Specialists’ Activities

Organization of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission Specialists’ Activities

Training period
2 Year 6 Months
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


There are many people with disabilities in the world. With the development of the healthcare system, doctors have learned to save the lives of very young children. But this is not enough. It is necessary to create special conditions for the development and education of such children. To reveal the problems of development, to render help to the child and his nearest environment, to compensate the defects of development, to define special conditions for development and education of people with disabilities is the essence of the profession of the specialist of psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Educational Process

The program is designed for specialists who have experience working with people with disabilities. The students study new approaches to examining persons with disabilities, forming conclusions and recommendations for education, and are familiarized with foreign experience of working with such children. Along with the study of the 5 basic disciplines required for the direction “Management”, students are required to study 13 disciplines, five of which 5 are at the choice of the student — are designed to form professional competencies due to the nature of the future professional activity. Special attention is paid to the study of the legal and regulatory basis for the activities of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the organization and content of the activities of the psychological, medical and medical and pedagogical commission in contemporary conditions, the organization of medical and social examination and medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities, the interaction of specialists of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in work with children of various categories of different age groups, the organization of the examination of children in early childhood, with sensory disorders and multiple disabilities.


The practice of master’s students is conducted on the basis of psychological and medical-pedagogical commissions, in federal, state and municipal administration bodies engaged in special and inclusive education, in educational and medical organizations.


Having successfully mastered the educational program, graduates will be able to skillfully organize work in central and territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and councils of educational organizations, provide counseling to parents and people involved in the development and education of people with disabilities, build effective communication with all groups that participate in the process of education of a person with disabilities, work in state and municipal government bodies operating in the field of special inclusive education; psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; in the field of education and health; in the social sphere