Technology and Management in Construction
Construction Technology and Management
Academy of Engineering
4 Year
“Technology and organization of construction” is the main activity of the construction company. The essence of the profession is to organize and manage the process of construction production from the stages of design and construction of buildings and structures to the stages of putting building objects into operation and direct operation. The construction business is a dynamically developing market segment that brings significant economic benefits. In terms of profitability, it occupies one of the first places among all other activities. In the modern construction labor market, it is important to have knowledge in all the variety of technological systems and organizational principles. The determining factor is sustainable functioning in a competitive environment.
Educational Process
The program implements the training of highly professional scientific and pedagogical personnel of the higher qualification in the field of water supply systems, sewerage and water resources ecology.
The main advantages of the program:
— the relevance of scientific research, which is based on the objective significance of life support systems;
— active use of scientific experiments and mathematical data processing, development of new models and methods for improving systems, conservation and rational use of resources in the chosen direction, public defense of the obtained scientific results;
— the possibility of combining research work with teaching and business;
— the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, which contributes to the recognition of a young specialist among the scientific community and allows him to occupy leadership positions in research and educational organizations.
Widely developed international cooperation allows graduate students to take part in international scientific and practical conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops with the participation of leading specialists from foreign partner universities.
When mastering the educational program, graduate students undergo pedagogical practice, which includes lectures, seminars and practical classes with students. Research practice of graduate students takes place in leading research institutes and organizations, including the Institute of “RAS Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh”, “NRU MGSU”, “Central Research Institute ProjectSteelConstruction (TsNII PSK)”, “Mosproekt”, “Mosproekt-4”, “Central Scientific Research and Design Institute for Industrial Buildings (TsNIIPromzdaniy) “, “Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (TsNIIOMPT)”, “NRC Construction”.
Graduates can work in leading universities, research and design institutes, public and private construction companies, and design organizations.