Agrarian and Technological Institute
Agrarian and Technological Institute
foreign partners
higher education programs
joint master's programs with foreign universities

Agrobiotechnology Department

The department trains bachelors and masters in the field of "Agronomy", as well as postgraduates in the field of "Agriculture" and "Biological Sciences". Training of agronomists is conducted in Russian and English languages and is aimed at training a universal specialist in the field of agrobiotechnology and plant protection, who will be in demand in international agribusiness. Our graduates work in the state enterprises of the “Rosselkhozcentre” system, FGA “Plant Quarantine”, in insurance companies and banks, at customs, as well as in specialized research institutes.

An integral part of the life of the department: research competitions, student awards, master classes of invited professionals.

The Dean
Valentin Vvedensky
Director of the Department - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
+7 (495) 778-37-03 ext.: 1778
Aud : 340,341

Agroengineering department

The Department trains students in two fields of bachelor’s degree and master's degree programs: "Land Management and Cadastres" and "Standardization and Metrology".

The educational process is full of practical and laboratory studies, field training, production and research practices, master classes and programs of included training. Two joint master's programs in English are being realized together with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) - "Remote Sensing of Environment" and "Organic Farming".

The Dean
Petr Dokukin
The director of the department is Ph.D
+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 2435
Aud : 445

Department of Veterinary Medicine

The Department trains veterinarians and veterinary and sanitary experts of the highest qualification. The training is conducted in Russian and English languages ​​and is aimed at training specialists in veterinary medicine, animal health protection, veterinary and sanitary expertise. Our graduates work in veterinary clinics, state institutions of veterinary and veterinary-sanitary supervision, management structures, food industry enterprises.

The department ensures practices for students and promotes employment for graduates. Master classes of leading Russian and World veterinary doctors, including international scientific projects, student awards are an integral part of life of the department.

The Dean
Jury Vatnikov
The director of the department is Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
+7 (495) 434-31-66 ext.: 2032
Aud : 426a

Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems

The Department conducts training in the field of Landscape Architecture (Bachelor's, Master's degree programs) in Russian and English.

Future landscape architects are practicing in the best parks in Russia: the Sochi National Park, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Yalta), the parks of St. Petersburg and its environs; they are sharpening their skills at the Ulyanovsk State Farm (Moscow). The department has landscape architecture and design workshop of its own.

Students can study in a joint Master's  degree program under a double degree program together with the University of Tuscia (Italy), take internships abroad: in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the US and other countries.

The Dean
Elvira Dovletyarova
Director of the Department is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
+7 (495) 434-31-66 ext.: 1882

Department of Technospheric Security

The department teaching staff are highly qualified specialists in the field of life safety, they carry out students training on the following disciplines: "Life Safety", "Agricultural Ecology", "Agricultural Radiology", "Risk Theory", etc. The specialized department of EMERCOM of Russia affiliates with the department for training specialists in the field of technospheric safety and emergency risk management.

Students undergo training in the field of crisis management in EMERCOM of Russia and management of cross-border risks under emergencies. Employees and students conduct scientific research in the field of agricultural cooperation and integration, in the field of management consulting in agricultural production, economic valuation of property, land valuation, evaluation of machines and equipment used in agriculture, as well as complex valuation of business (enterprise) in agro-industrial complex. Graduates work in the international market of technology, equipment, special equipment for rescue operations, produced in the real sector of the economy.

The Dean
Vadim Plyushchikov
The director of the department is Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
+7 (495) 434-70-07
Aud : 326

Foreign Languages Department

Foreign Languages ​​ Department implements the supplementary vocational education program "Translator", which includes in-depth study of English, Chinese, German or French languages ​​for mastering professional translation skills.

The head of the department is Candidate of Philology, Professor E.A. Notina, a member of the Russian Union of Translators, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Foreign Languages: Theory and Practice”.

Teaching staff of the department are highly qualified specialists with a great pedagogical and translation experience and native speakers as well.

The department is the base of educational tourism and internships: Great Britain, Germany, USA, France, China where teaching staff and student mobility programs are being implemented.

The Dean
Elena Notina
The head of the department is Candidate of Philology, Professor
+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 1528, 1532
5 key reasons for choosing a faculty


Institute description

The Agrarian and Technological Institute (ATI) was established in 2015 after reorganizing the Agrarian Faculty founded as the Agricultural Department of the RUDN University in 1961.

ATI RUDN University is the "Institute of Life", since its graduates are engaged in production, processing and certification of crop and livestock products, and these is the basis for life. The Institute provides training in 25 educational programs, including 5 programs in English. Specialists for the agro-industrial complex; agroholdings; processing and expert productions related to the quality of food products; various managerial, expert, production structures; international agribusiness are trained here.

ATI RUDN University has 5 joint master's programs in partnership with leading world universities:

➢ "Management and design of the green infrastructure in the cities" – jointly with the University of Tushia (Italy)

➢ "Remote sensing of natural resources" – jointly with the University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki (Greece)

➢ "Organic farming" – jointly with the University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki (Greece)

➢ "Technologies for ensuring the quality and safety of food products and manufactures" – jointly with the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakova (Kyrgyzstan)

➢ "Modern biotechnologies in animal husbandry" -  jointly with the Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K.I. Scriabin (Kyrgyzstan)

An important part of the trainings in ATI has the work placement (practices) that takes place in agroholdings, veterinary clinics, agricultural disease control stations, land management, valuation, real estate organizations and business structures. The laboratories and scientific centers in ATI are equipped with innovative equipment and are used in scientific research work.

Students can learn foreign languages (English, Chinese, German, French, etc.) alongside with  studying in the main areas and specialties.

The Agrarian-Technological Institute partners in the field of education and science are the leading universities around the world: the USA, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Italy ...

The institute has 2 Dissertational Defence Boards for candidate and doctoral dissertations in 4 specialties.

Events all events
30 Jan
Lecture «To the issue of multiculturalism in Indonesian literature»
13 - 15 Dec
Seminar “Green infrastructure and sustainable development”
6 - 8 Dec
Seminar “Life phase in urban soils and sediments”