Institute description
The Agrarian and Technological Institute (ATI) was established in 2015 after reorganizing the Agrarian Faculty founded as the Agricultural Department of the RUDN University in 1961.
ATI RUDN University is the "Institute of Life", since its graduates are engaged in production, processing and certification of crop and livestock products, and these is the basis for life. The Institute provides training in 25 educational programs, including 5 programs in English. Specialists for the agro-industrial complex; agroholdings; processing and expert productions related to the quality of food products; various managerial, expert, production structures; international agribusiness are trained here.
ATI RUDN University has 5 joint master's programs in partnership with leading world universities:
➢ "Management and design of the green infrastructure in the cities" – jointly with the University of Tushia (Italy)
➢ "Remote sensing of natural resources" – jointly with the University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki (Greece)
➢ "Organic farming" – jointly with the University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki (Greece)
➢ "Technologies for ensuring the quality and safety of food products and manufactures" – jointly with the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakova (Kyrgyzstan)
➢ "Modern biotechnologies in animal husbandry" - jointly with the Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K.I. Scriabin (Kyrgyzstan)
An important part of the trainings in ATI has the work placement (practices) that takes place in agroholdings, veterinary clinics, agricultural disease control stations, land management, valuation, real estate organizations and business structures. The laboratories and scientific centers in ATI are equipped with innovative equipment and are used in scientific research work.
Students can learn foreign languages (English, Chinese, German, French, etc.) alongside with studying in the main areas and specialties.
The Agrarian-Technological Institute partners in the field of education and science are the leading universities around the world: the USA, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Italy ...
The institute has 2 Dissertational Defence Boards for candidate and doctoral dissertations in 4 specialties.