Institute of Russian Language
Institute of Russian Language
Natalia Pomortseva
years of training foreign citizens and teachers of Russian as a foreign language
further education and further vocational education programmes
textbooks and learning kits, including ethno-oriented courseware

Preparatory Faculty

Digital Preparatory Faculty

Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language

Gorizont Further Education Centre

7 Departments of Russian language

Department of Linguistic Didactics and Text Studies

International Centre for Pre-University Training Digitalization

Centre for Promoting Social and Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural Communication

5 key reasons for choosing the institute

The Institute of Russian Language was established by the decision of the Academic Board in April 2021. The Institute is the leading research and methodological school of Russian as a foreign language in the world which unites the specialized classical departments of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. The Institute maintains contacts with over 70 foreign partners — schools, departments, institutes of the Russian language and represents RUDN University in international professional organizations (International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL), Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL), ALTE).

The Institute of Russian Language is the main academic and research department of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. It contains 2 centres, 4 training departments, 7 departments of the Russian language and 220 members of teaching staff, including 19 Drs habil., 97 PhDs and 7 Professors, which makes it possible to:

  • train students under the main educational programmes of higher education;
  • train postgraduate students and interns;
  • provide training under further education programmes, including the Translator in Professional Communication programme (for foreign citizens);
  • carry out expert and analytical activity;
  • carry out project activity;
  • carry out linguistic and didactic TORFL/А1, TORFL/А2, TORFL/1, TORFL /2, TORFL /3, TORFL /4 testing.

Strategic areas of the Institute of Russian Language:

  1. Maintaining the leading positions of RUDN University in promoting the Russian language and cultural heritage of Russia in the heritage of modern civilization.
  2. Developing highly competitive educational programmes and products which reflect the needs of the transforming planetary society.
  3. Developing classical scientific and research and methodological schools, scientific fields, as well as creating new interdisciplinary scientific directions in the context of the global tasks of the RUDN University advancement in the world rankings “Linguistics”, “Pedagogy”, “Modern languages”.

The Institute provides training for over 3 000 students. A unique system of educational work and support services (linguistic, informational, social, everyday, socio-cultural ones) for foreign citizens is aimed at successful socialization of foreign citizens in Russia. Thanks to a wide network of cultural and scientific and educational events, foreign students receive effective extracurricular support in studying the Russian language, general education subjects, and get acquainted with the culture of Russia.

History of the Institute of Russian Language:


Launching the Preparatory Faculty, which is the oldest faculty of the University


Establishing the Faculty of Advanced Training for teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language — first educational centre in the USSR oriented to professional ad educational needs of a specialist in Russian Philology


Renaming the Preparatory Faculty into the Faculty of the Russian Language and General Studies


Establishing the Gorizont Further Education Centre oriented to teaching Russian to various target groups


First enrollment in the Digital Preparatory Faculty


Establishing the Institute of Russian Language


Launching the Centre for Social and Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural Communication

Events all events
1 Dec
Seminar “Ensuring International Security: problems and challenges”
14 Apr
IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economic Strategies of the EAEU: Problems and Innovations"
26 Mar
International round table “Methodology of historical and legal research”