XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of young Scientists “Innovative processes in agriculture”
About the event
The XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of young Scientists "Innovative processes in agriculture" is an annual event held at the RUDN and is dedicated to a comprehensive assessment of the development of agriculture, both in Russia and abroad, and forecasting the ways of its further development in the field of innovative technologies in agribusiness, reducing risks and reducing the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies, innovative methods and materials in modern landscape architecture The XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of young Scientists "Innovative processes in agriculture" will be held from April 23 to 24, 2025 in a remote format, the Yandex Teleconference platform.
This annual event is dedicated to getting acquainted with the latest results of basic and applied research in the field of agriculture, providing scientists, practitioners, representatives of commercial organizations with the opportunity to freely exchange information and opinions on the theory and practice of topical issues. Within the framework of the event, it is planned to work in the following sessions:
- Plant Sciences (moderator-Associate Professor E. V. Romanova);
- Animal Sciences (moderator-Associate Professor E. D. Sotnikova);
- Geospatial technologies, remote sensing for monitoring and cadastre purposes (moderator- Assicent N.V. Bogomolova);
- Innovative management of agriculture in modern economic conditions (moderator – senior lecturer A.S. Kamensky);
- Landscape architecture and urban ecology (moderators-Senior lecturer T. E. Zhukova).