Events and Invitations
Scientific seminar “Language aspects of integration and self-identification in the modern world”
The purpose of the event: The scientific seminar is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new challenges posed to humanitarian education; expanding active contacts with scientists and teachers of foreign languages from leading universities, raising the status of foreign languages, developing the academic reputation of the RUDN University and the incoming mobility of leading scientists in the RUDN University.
The 14th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation “Current issues in modern linguistics and humanities”
Goal of the Conference - bring together leading researchers in the field of Linguistics and related Humanities to exchange opinions concerning the evolution of Modern Languages and Linguistics in the context of the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the issues of the intercultural linguistic communication.
Scientific and methodological seminar “Topical Issues of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Developing the Human Resources of Society (Social Management)”
The speaker considers the issue of limiting educational inclusion. The relevance of the study is due to the functioning of the international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the implementation of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.