Events and Invitations
A series of lectures «Mechanisms of cancer growth, invasion, and progression: a biomathematical modeling analysis»
Research of the department is directed at the development of innovative mathematical models and simulation tools to detect organizational principles of selected biological systems. Researchers focus on "cellular systems" which possess a multitude of interaction mechanisms whose cooperative interplay guarantees in particular the development of organismic forms. Disorders in cell interaction can lead to diseases and malignant pattern formation (e.g. tumor growth). Important insights into function and regulation of biological systems can be gained by linking mathematical modeling and computational tools with biological/medical in vitro, and in vivo data. The staff work on interdisciplinary projects on the basis of local, national, and international cooperation. They develop the software Morpheus, a modeling and simulation environment for the study of multiscale and multicellular systems.
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equation under the guidance of Professor A.L. Skubachevskii
Speaker: Malygina Vera V., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher, Functional Differential Equations Research Center, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia.