A series of lectures «Mechanisms of cancer growth, invasion, and progression: a biomathematical modeling analysis»

A series of lectures «Mechanisms of cancer growth, invasion, and progression: a biomathematical modeling analysis»

The event passed
18 - 25 Nov 2019
Moscow, 3, Ordzhonikidze st., rooms 458, 459
Contact person
Bakhtigareeva E.G.
About the event

Andreas Deutsch, Professor of Technical University of Dresden, will visit RUDN University with a series of lectures "Mechanisms of cancer growth, invasion, and progression: a biomathematical modeling analysis".

Professor A. Deutsch (h-index 24) will visit RUDN University   November, 18-25, 2019. He is the head of the department for Innovative Methods of Computing, Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (Technical University of Dresden, QS-150-200).

Research of the department is directed at the development of innovative mathematical models and simulation tools to detect organizational principles of selected biological systems. Researchers focus on "cellular systems" which possess a multitude of interaction mechanisms whose cooperative interplay guarantees in particular the development of organismic forms. Disorders in cell interaction can lead to diseases and malignant pattern formation (e.g. tumor growth). Important insights into function and regulation of biological systems can be gained by linking mathematical modeling and computational tools with biological/medical in vitro, and in vivo data. The staff work on interdisciplinary projects on the basis of local, national, and international cooperation. They develop the software Morpheus, a modeling and simulation environment for the study of multiscale and multicellular systems.

In RUDN University Prof. Deutsch will give a series of lectures "Mechanisms of cancer growth, invasion, and progression: a biomathematical modeling analysis". His visit is organized in the frame of the project under the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC).

Professors and students of the Mathematical Institute will have the opportunity to listen to a series of lectures on the following topics: population growth: finite difference equation models; collective dynamics: cellular automaton models; transport: lattice-gas cellular automaton models, Langevin equation models; Evolution: Moran model; single cell migration; collective cell migration; aggregation and spread; cancer growth; cancer invasion; cancer progression.

The theory of lattice-gas cellular automata (LGCA) allows to investigate different biological and medical problems using the same general modeling approach. In particular, it permits to obtain the following results for different applications.

  • A unique LGCA implementation of transport processes for single cell migration, especially random walk (diffusion), and directed migration, in particular hapto- and chemotaxis.
  • A derivation of LGCA interaction rules based on statistical mechanics principles from biophysical Langevin equation models for several migration and interaction types.
  • A construction of LGCA interaction rules from experimental data for diffusive, sub- and superdiffusive migration.
  • Evolutionary LGCA and Moran models allow analysis and prediction of different cancer traits and mechanisms of progression.

The schedule of the lectures is following:

  1. “Introduction to general concepts and models”, November, 19, 12:00-13:20, room 458.
  2. “Models: Population growth: finite difference equation models; Collective dynamics: cellular automaton models; Transport: lattice-gas cellular automaton models, Langevin equation models; Evolution: Moran model”, November, 19, 13:30-14:50, room 459.
  3. “Applications: Single cell migration; Collective cell migration; Aggregation and spread; Cancer growth; Cancer invasion; Cancer progression”, November, 21, 16:30-17:50, room 459.
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